美国最畅销中小学课程学习互动式软件网盘下载Encore Advantage

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发表于 2014-10-9 17:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
美国亚马逊最畅销中小学课程学习互动式软件 Encore Advantage 儿童英语



Encore Math, Elementary,MiddleSchool, Advantage Software 2009 for Windows

Encore Elementary Advantage 2009
Elm Advantage 09.iso            4572224 KB

Encore Math Advantage 2009
Math Advantage09.iso              1227456 KB

Encore Middle School Advantage 2009
MS Advantage 09.iso            3203232 KB

Elementary School Advantage 2009



Encore Elementary Advantage 2009 for Windows

Help your child build Math skills with fun and engaging activities. Packed with lessons and exercises from Elementary School to High School, each designed to prepare students for success in state standards testing.

Build fundamental skills with Basic Math, including addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Expand your horizons with Pre-Algebra, Algebra and Geometry. Prepare for High School and College with Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus, Calculus and Statistics.
Students also receive Microsoft? Excel Tutor for the PC, a student organizer and iPod? study materials. After School Extras include music downloads, ringtones and mobile games. Also perfect for adults who want to brush up on Math.

The Math Advantage Edge:
PC/Mac hybrid for the first time ever
All on DVD – no more disc swapping
Improved user experience with an all-in-one installer that makes using the programs easy

Student Benefits

Master the Fundamentals
Overcome Challenging Topics
Realize Academic Potential
Prepare for College

Basic Math
Detailed explanations and creative lessons will make it easy to grasp key concepts and develop a strong math foundation.
Counting Techniques
Factor Trees
Fractions & Decimals
Perimeter & Area
Systems of Measurement

Get a head start on Algebra with an engaging introduction to algebraic symbols, variables and expressions.
Mixed Numbers
Ratios & Proportions
Scientific Notation
Order of Operations
Formulas & Substitution

Algebra I & II

美国亚马逊最畅销中小学课程学习互动式软件 Encore Advantage 儿童英语

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发表于 2015-8-11 21:58 | 显示全部楼层
软件, 课程, 儿童英语, 亚马逊, 美国英语
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