Peep and the Big Wide World小鸟趣事多 4季110集 百度云盘下载 |
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Peep and the Big Wide World小鸟趣事多 4季110集
![]() Discovery Kids--Peep and the big wide world 《小鸟趣事多》 17DVD 4季110集全 地区:美国 语言:英语/无字幕 《小鸟趣事多》的图画线条简单优美、色彩缤纷,加上故事内容有趣,节奏明快,语速较慢,比较适合学龄前幼儿观看。因为线条和构图都很简练,人物传神,可以给爱画画的小朋友参考学习。特别需要提到的是,探索频道(Discovery)并没有因为这是放在PBS《基础教育》频道的一部给小小孩子看的卡通而制作马虎,该动画的主配音是好莱坞实力派演技明星琼.库莎克(Joan Cusack),她担任过61届奥斯卡颁奖典礼的主持,曾经参演过《老友有钱(2006)》,《四眼天鸡(2005)》,《冰雪公主(2005)》,《最后一击(2004)》,《流行教母(2004)》,《华纳巨星总动员(2003)》,《摇滚校园(2003)》,《芳心天涯/心归何处(2000)》,《高度忠诚(2000)》,《大厦将倾(1999)》,《玩具总动员(1999)》,《落跑新娘(1999)》,《无懈可击(1999)》,《布兰克(1997)》,《来龙去脉(1997)》等大片。其对儿童动画片制作的认真严谨态度与近年国内许多动画作品的粗制滥造有天壤云泥的差别。 在一条平静的小村庄,住了一只自以为是的蓝色小鸭、一只心地善良的黄色小鸡和一只精明有智慧的知更鸟。牠们三个虽然性格不同,有时甚至会矛盾多多,不过却是感情最要好的朋友。只要任何一个有困难,其余的两个都一定会全力帮忙。每一天,牠们都会一同寻找有趣的玩意。一块石头、一片叶子、一只小船都可以为牠们带来无限的乐趣。小朋友和牠们一起探索这个大世界,开心之余还会认识和学到许多知识。 Peep and the Big Wide World is an animated cartoon that teaches nature and basic science concepts to preschoolers. The main characters include a baby chicken named Peep and his friends Quack, a duck, and Chirp, a robin. Thecurrentshow,narrated by Joan Cusack is based on a National Film Board of Canada cartoon short of the same name, created in 1988 by Kaj Pindal and narrated by Peter Ustinov.[1] The original short comprised three 10-minute films featuring Peep, Quack, and Chirp as they meet a cat, a ladybug, a turtle and a frog who speaks from both sides of his mouth. The show is produced by WGBH in Boston and 9 Story Entertainment in Toronto. In the US, this show airs on WGBH-TV, Discovery Kids, and The Learning Channel as part of its commercial-free and sponsor-free "Ready, Set, Learn!" programming block.[2] In Canada, it airs on TVOntario. DVDs and books are also available for purchase. Peep and the Big Wide World is currently sponsored by the National Science Foundation in conjunction with WGBH-TV as part of an education and outreach program. The principal investigator is Kate Taylor, also of the ZOOM block. The National Science Foundation is the only permanent sponsor of the show. TheCarnegieCorporation of New York and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting funded the show for only season two. The Discovery Kids Foundation funded the show for only season one. 第一季: 01.Spring Thing 02.Springy Thingy 03.A Duck's Tale 04.Quack's Tracks 05.Quack and the Very Big Rock 06.Shadow Play 07.Current Events 08.Quack Loses His Hat 09.Night Light 10.Sounds Like... 11.The Windy Day 12.Peep Feet 13.Newton's Big Adventure 14.Peep Crosses the Road 15.Stormy Weather 16.Peep in RabbitLand 17.Quack's Stuck Stick 18.Peep's Can 19.Under Duck 20.All Fall Down 21.The Perils of Peep and Chirp 22.Hoop Tricks 23.Save It for Later 24.The Red Ballmoon 25.Chirp Builds a Nest 26.Stuck Duck 27.The Real Decoy 28.Peeps Lost Leaf 29.Birds of a Feather 30.The Incredible Shrinking Duck 31.Go West Young Peep 32.A Delicate Balance 33.The Fish Museum 34.Peep's Night Out 35.There's No Place Like Home 36.Flipping Newton 37.Chirps Flight Program 38.Mirror Mirror in the Dump 39.Bridge the Gap 40.Meeting Half-way 41.Peep Plants a Seed 42.The Root Problem 43.Hide and Go Peep 44.A Peep of a Different Color 45.That's a Cat 46.Faster Than a Duck 47.Quack Hatches An Egg 48.The Whatchamacallit 49.Wandering Beaver 50.Peeps New Friend 51.The Trip to Green Island 52.Give Me a Call 第二季: 01.Finders Keepers 02.Quack Quiets the Universe 03.Peeps Moon Mission 04.The Many Moons of Quack the Duck 05.The Mystery of the Thing That Went and Came Back 06.Peep's Color Quest 07.Reflection Affection 08.Peep Deep in the Big Muddy 09.Snow Daze 10.Peep Prints 11.Dry Duck - Part 1 12.Dry Duck - Part 2 13.Count Them Out 14.Flower Shower 15.Quack Quack 16.One Quack Two Many 17.Chirp Sorts It Out (Sort Of) 18.Hear Here 19.Who Stole the Big Wide World 20.M-U-D Spells Trouble 21.Finding Time 22.Smaller Than a Peep 23.Stick With Me 24.Tree Feller 25.A Daring Duck 26.The Trouble With Bubbles 第三季: 01.The Sound of Silence Part 1 02.The Sound of Silence Part 2 03.The Tooth, the Whole Tooth, and Nothing but the Tooth 04.The Winter of Quack's Discontent 05.Nosing Around 06.The Last Straw 07.The Disappearing Drink 08.Door Tour 09.In a Bind 10.Star Light, Star Bright 11.Big Bird 12.Chirp Flies the Coop 13.Bedtime Story 14.The Deep Duck Woods 15.I Spy a Spider 16.Robin in the Bat Cave 17.Marble Mover 18.Fair Shares 19.The Feats of Peep 20.Quack Goes Nuts 第四季: 01.The Lurmies are Coming 02.Quack's Square Deal 03.An Inconvenient Tooth Part 1 04.An Inconvenient Tooth Part 2 05.Bringing Spring 06.Quack Pond Party 07.You Can Count on Bunnies 08.Falling Feathers 09.Magic Duck Dancing 10.Chirp, Chirp, Tweet, Tweet, Chirp 11.Trading Places 12.House Of Sand & Frog 下载地址:
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