《国家地理儿童百科 入门级 提高级 流利级(MP3+PDF)》下载

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《国家地理儿童百科》(NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC– Windows on Literacy)是我社引进“国家地理”的儿童英语系列读物,共三套: 入门级—Emergent,提高级—Early和流利级—Fluent。每一级的主要出版内容有学生用书24本、配套练习册24本、《评估手册》1本、《家长指南》1本以及CD25张。另外辅助出版内容有明信片2张、生词卡60张、挂图一幅以及大量拼图。
  《评估手册》包括四份评估测试(Achievement Test)和一份总测试题(Final Test),总测试题答题合格的小读者还可以获得由外语教学与研究出版社和国家地理联合颁发的资格证书。
01  What Can a Diver See? 潜水员能看见什么?
②Divers go under the water. ③What can a diver see? ④What can a diver see? starfish ⑥What can a diver see? ⑦fish coral ⑧What can a diver see? ⑨a shipwreck ⑩What can a diver see? ⑾a seal ⑿What can a diver see? another diver
02  Look at the Tree 看这棵树
②See the roots. ③See the trunk. ④See the bark. ⑤See the branches. ⑥See the leaves. ⑦See the flowers. ⑧Look at the tree.
03 Hot and Cold 热的和冷的
②This cake is cold. ③These muffins are hot. ④This fruit salad is cold. ⑤These vegetables are hot. ⑥This milkshake is cold. ⑦This cocoa is hot. ⑧These cornflakes are cold. ⑨This oatmeal is hot. ⑩This sandwich is cold. ⑾This pizza is hot. ⑿What is cold? What is hot?
04 Making a Hat 制作一顶帽子
③I can make a hat. ④I use scissors. ⑤I use a stapler. ⑥I use colored pencils. ⑦I use tape. ⑧I can wear my hat!
05 Where Are They Going? 他们要去哪里?
②Some people go by train. ③Som people go by bus. ④Some people go by ferry. ⑤Some people go by car. ⑥Some people go by bicycle. ⑦Some people walk. ⑧Where are they going? They are going to the game.
06 What Lives in a Swamp? 沼泽地里有什么?
②Frogs live in a swamp. ③Bugs live in a swamp. ④Snakes live in a swamp. ⑤Fish live in a swamp. ⑥Turtles live in a swamp. ⑦Birds live in a swamp. ⑧What else lives in a swamp?
07  Toys 玩具
②What are toys made of? ③These toys are made of wood. ④These toys are made of plastic. ⑤These toys are made of metal. ⑥These toys are made of paper. ⑦These toys are made of cloth. ⑧What is this toy made of? plastic cloth wood
08 Wheels 轮子
②This tractor has big wheels. ④Trucks have big wheels, too. ⑥This scooter has little wheels. ⑦Skateboards have little wheels, too. ⑧Some wheels are big. Some whels are little. How are wheels the same?
09 Shopping with Dad 和爸爸一起购物
②Sam and his dad go to the card store. ③They buy a card. ④Sam and his dad go to the bookstore. ⑤They buy a book. ⑥Sam and his dad go to the grocery store. ⑦THey buy food for dinner. ⑧Sam and his dad go to the flower store. ⑨They buy flowers. ⑩Sam and his dad go to the bakery. ⑾THey buy a cake. ⑿Sam and his dad go home. It's Mom's birthday!
10 Plants and Animals Live Here 在这里生存的动植物
②This is a desert. ④Plants and animals live here. ⑥This is a plain. ⑧Plants and animals live here. ⑩This is a mountain. ⑿Plants and animals live here. ⒁This is a forest. ⒃Plants and animals live here. ⒅This is a wetland. ⒇Plants and animals live here. (22)This is a river. (24)Plants and animals live here.
11 The Baby Shark 小鲨鱼
②This is a baby shark. ③It has eyes to help it see. ④It has a tail to help it swim. ⑤It has fins to help it swim. ⑥It has gills to help it breathe. ⑦It has a mouth to help it eat. ⑧It will grow into a big shark.
12 When the Rain Comes 下雨了
②When the rain comes, ants look for shelter. ③When the rain comes, bees look for shelter. ④when the rain comes, spiders look for shelter. ⑤When the rain comes, lizards look for shelter. ⑥When the rain comes, birds look for shelter. ⑦When the rain comes, butterflies look for shelter. ⑧But ducks stay in the rain.
13 Wood 木头
②What things are made of wood? ③My blocks are made of wood. ④My chair is made of wood. My table is made of wood. ⑤My puzzle is made of wood. ⑥Where does wood come from? ⑦Wood comes from trees. ⑧We use the wood from trees to make things.
14 The Little Panda 熊猫宝宝
②The little panda is a new baby. ③The little panda stays with its mother. ④The little panda climbs. ⑤The little panda walks. ⑥The little panda lives in th forest. ⑦The little panda eats leaves. ⑧The little panda is grown-up.
15 This Is an Island 这是一座岛屿
②This is an island. There is water all around the island. ④There is a waterfall on the island. ⑥There is a mountain on the island. ⑧There is a forest on th island. ⑩There is a beach on the island. There is water all around the island. ⑿Picture Glossary beach mountain forest waterfall island
16 Now and Then 现在和过去
②This is how we cook now. ③This is how people used to cook. ④This is how we keep food cold now. ⑤This is how people used to keep food cold. ⑥This is how we wash our clothes now. ⑦This is how people used to wash clothes. ⑧This is how we travel now. ⑨This is how people used to travel. ⑩This is how we see at night now. ⑾This is how people used to see at night. ⑿Now Then
17 Making Raisins 制作葡萄干
②You can make raisins. This is what you need. grapes. ③jar rack cloth ④Put the grapes on the rack. ⑤Put the cloth on the grapes. ⑥Put the grapes in the sun. ⑦The sun dries the grapes. ⑧You made raisins!
18 My Friend and I 我和我的朋友
②My friend Rosa likes eggs for breakfast. ③I like cereal for breakfast. ④My friend Rosa likes to walk to school. ⑤I like to ride my bike to school. ⑥My friend Rosa likes math at school. ⑦I like reading at school. ⑧My friend Rosa likes to play ball at recess. ⑨I like to find bugs at recess. ⑩My friend Rosa likes painting at school. I like coloring at school. ⑿My friend Rosa and I go home together after school.
19 Bricks, Wood, and Stones 砖、木头和石头
②This is my house. ③It's made from bricks. ④Bricks come from clay. ⑤Clay comes from the ground. ⑥This is my house. ⑦It's made from wood. ⑧Wood comes from trees. ⑨Trees grow in the ground. ⑩This is my house. ⑾It's made from stones. ⑿Stones come from the ground. Bricks, wood, and stones make strong houses.
20 Come to My Party 来参加我的聚会  
②I'm having a party. I want to invite people to my party. ③I want to invite my friend. I call my friend. ④I want to invite my grandma. I send an e-mail to my grandma. ⑤I want to invite my brother. I give a card to my brother. ⑥I want to invite my cousin. I write a letter to my cousin. ⑦I want to invite my aunt. I call my aunt on Mom's cell phone. ⑧I want to invite Dad. I ask Dad myself.
21 You Can Make a Pom-pom 你能做毛绒球玩具
②You can make a pom-pom. ③This is what you need. yarn cards scissors ④Cut out two rings. ⑤Tie yarn around the two rings. ⑥Cut the yarn. ⑦Tie yarn around the center of your pom-pom. Take out the rings. ⑧Play with your pom-pom.
22 Some Things Float 一些东西能漂浮
②Some things float. ③Some things sink. ④What floats? What sinks? ⑤Will this ball float? ⑥Yes. This ball floats. ⑦Will this toy float? ⑧Yes. This toy floats. ⑨Will this rock float? ⑩No. This rock does not float. It sinks. ⑾What will sink?
23 What Did They Drive? 他们驾驶的是什么?
②This is my mom and her car. ④This is may grandmother when she was young. ⑤She drove this car long ago. ⑥This is my great grandfather when he was young. ⑦He drove this car long ago. ⑧This is my great great grandfather when he was young. ⑨He drove this car long age. ⑩This is my great great great grandmother and grandfather. ⑾Do you know what they drove? ⑿They drove a horse and buggy.
24 New Clothes 新衣服
②Dad and I are shopping for new clothes. ③I said,  I want this shirt, please.  ④Dad said,   Another time. Today we need to buy a shirt that will keep you warm.  ⑤We buy a warm shirt. ⑥I said,  I want these pants, please.  ⑦Dad said,  Another time. Today we need to buy jeans that will keep you warm.  ⑧We buy jeans. ⑨I said,  I want these shoes, please.  ⑩Dad said,  Another time. Today we need to buy shoes that will keep your feet warm.  ⑾We buy shoes. ⑿I said,  I want this hat, please.  Dad said,  Yes. Today you need a hat to keep your head warm.

《国家地理儿童百科 入门级 提高级 流利级(MP3+PDF)》下载:

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