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神奇树屋Magic Tree House英文MP3音频1-52+PDF文档全+部分中文音频及文档 英文音频: Magic Tree House Books MP3音频 01-52 英文文档: Magic Tree House Books PDF文档1-52 Magic Tree House Books PDF点读文档1-48 Magic Tree House Books Epub高清22本 中文音频及文档: 神奇树屋中文部分音频+文档 神奇树屋Magic Tree House是写给国外10岁左右娃看的章节书,这里一共有1-48本的文本扫描本及mp3,另外还有一本神奇树屋Magic Tree House的Research Guide。 神奇树屋Magic Tree House是章节书,每本故事书大概70页左右,也有稍微长些的,但也不会超过120页,文字大,每页的文字其实不太多,图片少,每个章节出现一到两幅图片。神奇树屋Magic Tree House是章节书里面最简单的,基本简单句占多数,而且那个咒语都是重复的,还是挺有意思的。 在国内呢,神奇树屋Magic Tree House适合已经能熟练自主阅读的孩子,一般来说12岁左右有长期英语学习的孩子。神奇树屋Magic Tree House的1-43本都是有音频的,孩子在看完之后还可以听,可以进一步提升听力理解能力,确实是一套非常不错的初级章节书。 神奇树屋Magic Tree House的作者除了写神奇树屋Magic Tree House的故事,后来还根据每本故事些了Research Guide。因为神奇树屋Magic Tree House的每本故事,基本都基于某个历史事件、史前时代或某个国家的某个特色,因此,神奇树屋Magic Tree House的Research Guide就是作者写来帮助孩子对这些历史、史前时代或其他国家文化进行进一步拓展的。 傑克和安妮在樹林裡偶然發現了一間神奇樹屋,樹屋裡滿滿的都是書,這對小兄妹還沒有搞清楚樹屋從哪裡來之前,神祕的樹屋便把他們帶到史前時代。現在,傑克和安妮必須想出回家的辦法,他們能在天黑之前回到家嗎?還是會成為暴龍的晚餐呢?此外,傑克在恐龍的年代撿到了一枚上面刻著M字的金色徽章,究竟是誰比他們更早來這裡拜訪恐龍,而M又代表了什麼意思呢? 目录: 英文音频1-52 Magic Tree House 01 - Dinosaurs Before Dark Magic Tree House 02 - Knight At Dawn Magic Tree House 03 - Mummies in the Morning Magic Tree House 04 - Pirates Past Noon Magic Tree House 05 - Night of the Ninjas Magic Tree House 06 - Afternoon on the Amazon Magic Tree House 07 - Sunset of the Sabertooth Magic Tree House 08 - Midnight on the Moon Magic Tree House 09 - Dolphins at Daybreak Magic Tree House 10 - Ghost Town at Sundown Magic Tree House 11 - Lions at Lunchtime Magic Tree House 12 - Polar Bears Past Bedtime Magic Tree House 13 - Vacation on the Volcano Magic Tree House 14 - Day of the Dragon King Magic Tree House 15 - Viking Ships at Sunrise Magic Tree House 16 - Hour of the Olympics Magic Tree House 17 - Tonight on the Titanic Magic Tree House 18 - Buffalo Before Breakfast Magic Tree House 19 - Tigers at Twilight Magic Tree House 20 - Dingoes at Dinnertime Magic Tree House 21 - Civil War on Sunday Magic Tree House 22 - Revolutionary War on Wednesday Magic Tree House 23 - Twister on Tuesday Magic Tree House 24 - Earthquake in the Early Morning Magic Tree House 25 - Stage Fright on a Summer Night Magic Tree House 26 - Good Morning, Gorillas Magic Tree House 27 - Thanksgiving on Thursday Magic Tree House 28 - High Tide In Hawaii Magic Tree House 29 - Christmas in Camelot Magic Tree House 30 - Haunted Castle on Hallow's Eve Magic Tree House 31 - Summer of the Sea Serpent Magic Tree House 32 - Winter of the Ice Wizard Magic Tree House 33 - Carnival at Candlelight Magic Tree House 34 - Season of the Sandstorms Magic Tree House 35 - Night of the New Magicians Magic Tree House 36 - Blizzard of the Blue Moon Magic Tree House 37 - Dragon of the Red Dawn Magic Tree House 38 - Monday with a Mad Genius Magic Tree House 39 - Dark Day in the Deep Sea Magic Tree House 40 - Eve of the Emperor Penguin Magic Tree House 41 - Moonlight on the Magic Flute Magic Tree House 42 - A Good Night for Ghosts Magic Tree House 43 - Leprechaun In Late Winter Magic Tree House 44 A Ghost Tale for Christmas Time Magic Tree House 45 A Crazy Day with Cobras Magic Tree House 46 Dogs in the Dead of Night Magic Tree House 47 Abe Lincoln At Last-1 Magic Tree House 48 A Perfect Time for Pandas Magic tree house 49 Stallion by Starlight Magic tree house 50 Hurry up,Houdini Magic tree house 51 High Time for Heroes Magic tree house 52 Soccer on Sunday 文档(还有1-10的中文文档,还有22本Epub高清文字格式的) Book 01_Dinosaurs Before Dark.pdf 159,702 Book 02_The Knight At Dawn.pdf 139,603 Book 03_Mummies in the Morning.pdf 131,946 Book 04_Pirates Past Noon.pdf 139,646 Book 05_Night of the Ninjas.pdf 143,989 Book 06_Afternoon On the Amazon.pdf 133,761 Book 07_Sunset of Sabertooth.pdf 133,785 Book 08_Midnight on the Moon.pdf 4,581,260 Book 09_Dolphins At Daybreak.pdf 134,385 Book 10_Ghost Town At Sundown.pdf 151,324 Book 11_Lions at Lunchtime.pdf 18,555,961 Book 12_Polar Bears Past Bedtime.pdf 37,262,849 Book 13_Vacation under the volcano.pdf 9,362,956 Book 14_Day of the dragon king.pdf 32,142,336 Book 15_Viking ships at sunrise.pdf 23,974,978 Book 16_Hour of the Olympics.pdf 12,301,077 Book 17_Tonight On the Titanic.pdf 13,921,449 Book 18_Buffalo Before Breakfast印第安冒险.pdf 22,568,054 Book 19_Tigers at Twilight 丛林惊奇.pdf 24,304,656 Book 20_Dingoes at Dinnertime.pdf 117,284 Book 21_Civil War on Sunday 星期天的南北战争.pdf 25,552,314 Book 22_Revolutionary War on Wednesday.pdf 4,594,780 Book 23_Twister on Tuesday.pdf 4,700,069 Book 24_Earthquake in the Early Morning.pdf 29,125,712 Book 25_Stage Fright on a Summer Night.pdf 6,846,214 Book 26_Good Morning Gorillas.pdf 7,665,954 Book 27_Thanksgiving On Thursday.pdf 34,189,403 Book 28_High Tide in Hawaii.pdf 6,972,452 Book 29_Christmas in Camelot.pdf 25,516,165 Book 30_Haunted Castle on Hallows Eve.pdf 169,792 Book 31_Summer of the Sea Serpent.pdf 169,831 Book 32_Winter of the Ice Wizard.pdf 169,271 Book 33_Carnival At Candlelight.pdf 194,567 Book 34_Season of the Sandstorm.pdf 173,563 Book 35_Night of the New Magicians.pdf 4,225,750 Book 36_Blizzard of the Blue Moon.pdf 175,747 Book 37_Dragon of the Red Dawn.pdf 171,027 Book 37_Dragon of the Red Dawn.pdf 39,783,818 Book 38_Monday with a Mad Genius.pdf 36,844,139 Book 38_Monday With a Mad Genius另一版.pdf 180,423 Book 39_Dark Day in the Deep Sea.pdf 37,443,739 Book 39_Dark Day In the Deep Sea另一版.pdf 169,054 Book 40_Eve of the Emperor Penguin.pdf 42,705,317 Book 40_Eve of the Emperor Penguin另一版.pdf 199,653 Book 41_Moonlight on the Magic Flute.pdf 44,398,574 Book 41_Moonlight On the Magic Flute另一版.pdf 177,810 Book 42_A Good Night for Ghosts.pdf 41,854,257 Book 42_A Good Night for Ghosts另一版.pdf 189,387 Book 43_Leprechaun in Late Winter.pdf 44,267,675 Book 43_Leprechaun In Late Winter另一版.pdf 195,194 Book 44_A Ghost Tale for Christmas Time.pdf 28,224,197 Book 45_A Crazy Day with Cobras.pdf 48,483,994 Book 45_A Crazy Day with Cobras另一版.pdf 12,629,110 Book 46_Dogs in the Dead of Night.pdf Book 47_Abe Lincoln At Last-1.pdf Book 48_A Perfect Time for Pandas.pdf 22本Epub高清文字格式的(附带Epub阅读器) Magic Tree House #01 Dinosaurs Before Dark.epub 1,726,196 Magic Tree House #02 The Knight at Dawn.epub 1,111,939 Magic Tree House #03 Mummies in the Morning.epub 1,230,777 Magic Tree House #04 Pirates Past Noon.epub 1,358,785 Magic Tree House #05 Night of the Ninjas.epub 927,215 Magic Tree House #06 Afternoon on the Amazon.epub 1,295,753 Magic Tree House #07 Sunset of the Sabertooth.epub 950,606 Magic Tree House #08 Midnight on the Moon.epub 3,045,361 Magic Tree House #09 Dolphins at Daybreak.epub 1,400,640 Magic Tree House #10 Ghost Town at Sundown.epub 1,332,816 Magic Tree House #16 Hour of the Olympics .epub 765,309 Magic Tree House #17 Tonight on the Titanic.epub 1,125,612 Magic Tree House #20 Dingoes at Dinner-Time.epub 868,250 Magic Tree House #21 Civil War on Sunday.epub 728,530 Magic Tree House #24 Earthquake in the Early Morning.epub 869,816 Magic Tree House #33 Carnival at Candlelight.epub 901,891 Magic Tree House #40 Eve of the Emperor Penguin.epub 785,576 Magic_Tree_House#30 Haunted Castle On Hallows Eve.epub 1,601,808 Magic_Tree_House#41 Moonlight on the Magic Flute.epub 946,500 Magic_Tree_House#42 A Good Night for Ghosts.epub 574,047 Magic_Tree_House#43 Leprechaun in late winter.epub 4,154,579 Magic_Tree_House#45 A Crazy Day with Cobras.epub 1,114,500 中文文档 神奇树屋1-恐龙谷历险记 玛丽·波·奥斯本.doc 156,160 神奇树屋2-迷雾中的骑士.doc 157,696 神奇树屋3-MNY之谜.doc 162,816 神奇树屋4-海盗的宝藏(第四章少汉语).doc 151,552 神奇树屋5-忍者的秘密.doc 165,888 神奇树屋6-亚马逊大冒险.doc 148,992 神奇树屋7冰原上的剑齿虎.doc 150,016 神奇树屋8月球之旅.doc 177,152 神奇树屋9-与海豚共舞.doc 144,896 神奇树屋10-幽灵镇的牛仔.doc 189,440 中文音频 冰原上的劍齒虎2-1.mp3 冰原上的劍齒虎2-2.mp3 忍者的秘密2-1.mp3 忍者的秘密2-2.mp3 恐龍谷大冒險2-1.mp3 恐龍谷大冒險2-2.mp3 MNY之謎2-1.mp3 MNY之謎2-2.mp3 海盜的藏寶圖2-1.mp3 海盜的藏寶圖2-2.mp3 漫遊到月球2-1.mp3 漫遊到月球2-2.mp3 雨林大驚奇2-1.mp3 黑夜騎士2-1.mp3 黑夜騎士2-2.mp3 中英文文档 神奇树屋1到3.zip 神奇树屋4到10.rar 神奇树屋Magic Tree House英文MP3音频1-52+PDF文档全+部分中文音频及文档 资源大小:5.4G 下载地址:
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