飘飘飘 发表于 2015-4-18 20:20


        “神奇树屋”(Magic Tree House)系列描述一对小兄妹杰克与安妮的冒险故事。八岁半的哥哥杰克,理性冷静,喜欢看书,他会将沿途看到的事物,重点式的记录在笔记本上;而七岁的妹妹安妮,喜爱幻想与冒险,并且勇于尝试。这两个一动一静、个性截然不同的兄妹,在森林里发现了一个堆满书的神奇树屋,神奇树屋就像时光机器,带他们到一个个不同的时空中旅行。于是,兄妹俩来到史前时代的恐龙谷、和骑士探访中古世纪的城堡、到古埃及破解木乃伊的秘密、跟着海盗出海寻宝……,每一次的冒险都紧张刺激、精采得不得了。现在,神奇树屋的门已经打开,欢迎加入杰克与安妮惊险有趣的知识之旅,和他们一起到不同时空中冒险!此外,这个系列的英文浅显易懂,对话简单口语,可让已在学习英文的小朋友,藉由故事进入英语的情境,增进英文能力。


      “神奇树屋”的作者玛丽 波 奥斯本是美国知名的儿童文学作家,迄今已写作20余年,作品上百本,并获得许多奖项,而且担任过两届美国作家协会的主席。1992年,玛丽 波 奥斯本创作了“神奇树屋”系列的第一本书《恐龙谷历险记》,在小读者群中引起了强烈反响。“神奇树屋”系列自出版以来,广受欢迎,在全美图书馆的借阅率一直很高,甚至还要预约呢。至今她仍在进行“神奇树屋”故事的创作,这个长长的系列故事,经久不衰!

Magic Tree House 01.Dinosaurs Before Dark
Magic Tree House 02.The Knight at Dawn
Magic Tree House 03.Mummies in the morning
Magic Tree House 04.Pirates Past Noon
Magic Tree House 05.Night of the Ninjas
Magic Tree House 06.Afternoon on the Amazon
Magic Tree House 07.Sunset of the Sabertooth
Magic Tree House 08.Midnight on the Moon
Magic Tree House 09.Dolphins at Daybreak
Magic Tree House 10.Ghost Town at Sundown
Magic Tree House 11.Lions at Lunchtime
Magic Tree House 12.Polar Bears Past Bedtime
Magic Tree House 13.Vacation Under the Volcano
Magic Tree House 14.Day of the Dragon King
Magic Tree House 15.Viking ships at sunrise
Magic Tree House 16.Hour of the Olympics
Magic Tree House 17.Tonight On The Titanic
Magic Tree House 18.Buffalo Before Breakfast
Magic Tree House 19.Tigers at Twilight
Magic Tree House 20.Dingoes at Dinnertime
Magic Tree House 21.Civil War on Sunday
Magic Tree House 22.Revolutionary war on Wednesday
Magic Tree House 23.Twister on Tuesday
Magic Tree House 24.Earthquake in the Early Morning
Magic Tree House 25.Stage Fright On A Summer Night
Magic Tree House 26.Good Morning, Gorillas
Magic Tree House 27.Thanksgiving on Thursday
Magic Tree House 28.High tide in Hawaii
Magic Tree House 29.Christmas in Camelot
Magic Tree House 30.Haunted castle on Hallows Eve
Magic Tree House 31.Summer of the sea serpent
Magic Tree House 32.Winter of the Ice Wizard
Magic Tree House 33.Carnival at Candlelight
Magic Tree House 34.Season of the sandstorms
Magic Tree House 35.Night of the New Magicians
Magic Tree House 36.Blizzard of the Blue Moon
Magic Tree House 37.Dragon of the Red Dawn
Magic Tree House 38.Monday with a Mad Genius
Magic Tree House 39.Dark day in the deep sea
Magic Tree House 40.Eve of the Emperor Penguin
Magic Tree House 41.Moonlight on the Magic Flute
Magic Tree House 42.A Good Night for Ghosts
Magic Tree House 43.Leprechaun in Late Winter‘
、Magic Tree House 44.A Ghost Tale for Christmas Time
Magic Tree House 45.A Crazy Day with Cobras
Magic Tree House 46.Dogs in the Dead of the Night
Magic Tree House 47.Abe Lincoln at Last!
Magic Tree House 48.A Perfect Time for Pandas
Magic Tree House 49.Stallion by Starlight
Magic Tree House 50.Hurry Up!Houdini
Magic Tree House 51.High Time for Heroes
Magic Tree House 52.Soccer on Sunday



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《神奇树屋Magic Tree House Series》52本英文原版电子书百度云下载:
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