Candy 发表于 2015-9-10 10:54


Muffin Songs美国家喻户晓的童谣启蒙早教,国内很多英语启蒙早教都引用了其中的部分经典歌谣,比如清华的语感启蒙中绝大部分都是Muffin Songs中的童谣。原版经典高清视频,质量必不用说,赶紧和宝宝一起感受美国原版的原汁原味的英文童谣吧。


Muffin Songs - A Ram Sam Sam   _ nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics_3.mp4
Muffin Songs - A Sailor Went To Sea   _ nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics.mp4
Muffin Songs - A Tisket, A Tasket   _ nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics.mp4
Muffin Songs - ABC Song _ nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics.mp4
Muffin Songs - Ally Bally Bee (Coulter's Candy) _ nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics.mp4
Muffin Songs - Animal Sounds Song  _ nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics.mp4
Muffin Songs - Are You Sleeping_   _ nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics _ muffin songs_2.mp4
Muffin Songs - Baa Baa Black Sheep  _ nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics.mp4
Muffin Songs - Be Careful On The Road   _ nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics.mp4
Muffin Songs - Betty Martin  _ nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics.mp4
Muffin Songs - Big Little   _ nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics.mp4
Muffin Songs - Billy Boy  _ nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics.mp4
Muffin Songs - Bingo   _ nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics _ muffin songs.mp4
Muffin Songs - Can You Out Do Me  _ nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics _ muffin songs.mp4
Muffin Songs - Chipmunk Family  _ nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics _ muffin songs.mp4
Muffin Songs - Cinderella   _ nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics _ muffin songs.mp4
Muffin Songs - Clap Your Hands  _ nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics _ muffin songs.mp4
Muffin Songs - Color Song  _ nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics _ muffin songs.mp4
Muffin Songs - Come And Join The Game  _ nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics _ muffin songs.mp4
Muffin Songs - Come And Play With Me   _ nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics _ muffin songs.mp4
Muffin Songs - Cradle Song (Brahms's Lullaby) _ nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics _ muffin songs.mp4
Muffin Songs - Crawdad  _ nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics _ muffin songs.mp4
Muffin Songs - Day of the week  _ nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics _ muffin songs.mp4
Muffin Songs - Deep And Wide   _ nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics _ muffin songs.mp4
Muffin Songs - Did You Ever See A Lassie   _ nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics _ muffin songs.mp4
Muffin Songs - Do re mi song ( Do-Re-Mi ) _ nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics _ muffin songs.mp4
Muffin Songs - Do Your Ears Hang Low_  _ nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics _ muffin songs.mp4
Muffin Songs - Down By The Station   _ nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics _ muffin songs.mp4
Muffin Songs - Dream Of A Secret Song   _ nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics _ muffin songs.mp4
Muffin Songs - Oh My Darling, Clementine _ nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics _ muffin songs.mp4


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pyh229164071 发表于 2016-1-5 15:11


sweet 发表于 2016-1-13 10:42

very good! so nice

jessicauu 发表于 2016-1-19 13:29


jessicauu 发表于 2016-1-19 13:29


jessicauu 发表于 2016-1-19 13:35


wingmother 发表于 2016-1-25 11:32


陈启东 发表于 2016-4-9 11:56


bianxiaoxu 发表于 2016-4-15 11:01


Candy 发表于 2016-4-18 11:36

jessicauu 发表于 2016-1-19 13:35

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