Rock Me Baby 经典英文儿歌下载 苏西托曼Susie Tallman 网盘下载

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Rock Me Baby 美国最佳儿歌 苏西托曼Susie Tallman 经典英文儿歌7CD全


介绍苏西前,先引用CD封套介绍:“从来没有人为了一套英语儿歌投注如此多的心力,所有曲子都精心改编,力求活泼趣味亲切温暖,并不惜成本动用了钢琴、小提琴、大提琴,吉他、曼陀铃、手鼓、各式鼓乐与打击乐器、口琴、手风琴、管风琴等大量真实的乐器,让音乐听起来特别生动活泼,完全没有电脑合成乐器的平板呆滞,再加上受过严谨声乐训练的Susie Tallman,字正腔圆的唱工,难怪有那么多美国专业幼教,亲子杂志毫无保留地一致推荐。”

当我听到苏西出版的全部7张CD时,我了解到这段介绍绝无虚言。苏西在1999年创办rock me baby,怀抱对音乐孩子的爱,尽心收罗快要失传的儿歌。苏西以她受过专业训练的女高音,用一屋子的乐器替代电子乐器,和她的朋友们用创意十足的方式,重新演绎了经典儿童歌曲。我最喜欢的字母歌,就有单词版和美声版两个创新版本。


ROCK ME BABY现在共有7张CD,3张是催眠,4张欢快儿歌
Lullaby Themes for Sleepy Dreams
Lullabies for Sleepy Eyes
Classical Baby
Children's Songs - Childhood Favorites
Classic Nursery Rhymes
Let's Go!
A Child's Christmas -Holiday Songs & Carols (最新)
『孩子的歌』,全套七片CD,主要為英文兒歌,但也收錄部分西班牙文與法文童謠。從來沒有人為了一套兒歌投注如此多的心力,所有曲子都精心改編,力求活潑趣味親切溫暖,並不惜成本動用了鋼琴、小提琴、大提琴、吉他、曼陀鈴、手鼓、各式古月與打擊樂器、口琴、手風琴、管風琴…等大量真實的樂器,讓音樂聽起來特別生動活潑,完全沒有電腦合成樂器的平板呆滯,再加上受過嚴謹聲樂訓練的Susie Tallman字正腔圓的唱工與孩童真摯的嗓音,使其成為美國專業幼教與親子雜誌一致推薦的最佳兒歌。
Parents Choice Foundation
Parents Choice Award家長首選金牌獎
National Parenting
Publications Award - Gold Award年度出版金牌獎
Awarded by Industry Experts a US Corporation
Oppenheim Toy Portofolio
Best Audio Award. Platinum & Gold Awards
Parenting- Parents' Choice Gold Award
Fit Pregnancy
Winner Parents' Choice Gold Award家長首選金牌
Baby Talk- Recommended
The Pregnancy Buyer's Guide- Recommended
iParenting Media- Hot Award Winner
edplay- Editors' Choice
Small World- Recommended

懷孕購買指南(Pregnancy Buyer’s Guild) 2002年
美夢催眠曲(Lullaby Theme for Sleepy Dreams)比較傳統一些,十八首歌包括了乖乖睡,寶貝、一閃一閃小星星、康巴、莫札特催眠曲。蘇西托曼的聲音以柔和的吉他和鋼琴伴奏。不管是孩子還是大人都能夠很快地溶入這種具備魔力的音樂中。美夢催眠曲這張專輯獲得家長嚴選金牌獎,可說實至名歸。
父母雜誌(Parenting Magazine)---2001九月
美夢催眠曲(Lullaby Theme for Sleepy Dreams):這張精美輕快的歌曲包括了莫扎特和布拉姆斯的歌曲。蘇西托曼的女高音的歌喉演唱迷人的夜晚(Lovely Evening)、美麗小馬(All the Pretty Little Horses),歌聲美妙有如銀鈴。---蘇蓮莫依
Fit Pregnancy---2001十一月
美夢催眠曲(LullabyTheme for Sleepy Dreams):這張CD以甜美的歌聲用民謠風演唱許多知名以及不太知名的催眠曲。

Rock Me Baby 系列官网:
http:// ... 2002230&sr=8-11
http:// ... ref=pd_bxgy_m_img_b
http:// ... J6OM/ref=pd_sim_m_2
http:// ... 3F95/ref=pd_sim_m_4

Children's Songs CD1 - A Collection of Childhood Favorites
Children's Songs contains 38 favorites with a running time of 72 minutes, this latest work will Bingo and Cucaracha its way into the Rock Me Baby Collection.
"As a music teacher I strive to provide the very best recordings for my children. Ms. Tallman's Children's Songs exceeds my high expectations with quality singing and musicianship. Songs are performed in a fun manner that engages children on all levels of creativity. The humorous and witty arrangements entertain parents as well. Children's Songs is sure to become a family favorite." –Shelly Ley, Music Educator, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
The playful symphony of guitars, train whistles, banjos, accordians, and even clanging spoons and good ole' people whistling, will delight and inspire little ones as well as their parents. For over an hour of joy, listeners re-discover favorites, and uncover beloved forgotten tunes, in clever new arrangements. From playful to educational – this music is pure magic!
Song List

1. [url=]I've Been Working On the Railroad[/url]*

20. La Cucaracha

2. Five Little Ducks

21. Hokey Pokey

3. The Alphabet Song

22. Old MacDonald


23. Buffalo Gals

5. Big Rock Candy Mountain

24. John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt

6. Pop Goes the Weasel

25. Down in the Valley

7. Say, Say Oh Playmate

26. Ants Go Marching In

8. De Colores

27. Do Your Ears Hang Low?

9. Bumblebee

28. Wheels on the Bus

10. Five Little Speckled Frogs

29. If You're Happy and You Know It

11. 1, 2 Buckle My Shoe

30. Oh When the Saints Go Marching In

12. She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain

31. London Bridges

13. Found A Peaunt

32. Be Kind to Your Web Footed Friends

14. Puff the Magic Dragon

33. Farmer in the Dell

15. Alouette

34. Have You Ever Seen a Lassie?

16. Little Peter Rabbit

35. Red River Valley

17. Who Stole the Cookies from the Cookie Jar

36. Sur La Pont d'Avignon

18. Monkeys on the Bed

37. Kookaburra

19. Apples & Bananas

38. Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Children's Songs CD2 - Lullabies for Sleepy Eyes適合一到三歲
About the CD
Lullabies for Sleepy Eyes, the second CD release from Rock Me Baby Records, proves once again that a lullaby can be comforting enough to calm a child and at the same time complex enough to please a parent.
This diverse 16-song collection offers folk-renditions of lullabies from Welsh, Scottish, Irish, Yiddish, French and Australian traditions, among others. Although the lullabies are aimed for children ages one to five, the familiar, soft melodies work wonderfully for infants as well. With this album, Vocalist Susie Tallman provides a distinct sound much different from other children's albums; Lullabies for Sleepy Eyes is not tinny and sparkly but warm, clear, and textured — gentle music that will link parent and child in the extraordinary way that only a lullaby can.
This record combines an an exquisite soprano voice with a variety of instruments (including piano, dobro, guitar, harmonica, and violin) to achieve a layered, lush sound while remaining true to the simplicity of a lullaby.
Lullabies for Sleepy Eyes is the company's second release, following gently and gracefully in the footsteps of Lullaby Themes for Sleepy Dreams.
Lullabies for Sleepy Eyes was produced and recorded in Melbourne Australia. The CD was produced primarily by [url=]Richard Pleasance[/url] (songwriter, musician, producer) as well as four songs produced by [url=]Mark O'Connor[/url], keyboardist extraordinaire.
Song List

1. Suo Gan

2. Dance To Your Daddy

3. Morningtown Ride

4. Little Boy Blue

5. Raisins & Almonds

6. German Cradle Song

7. Fais Dodo (Go To Sleep)

8. Bye, Baby Bunting

9. Hush Now, My Baby

10. Toora, Loora Loora

11. Baloo Baleerie

12. Goodnight To You All

13. Rock-A-Bye Baby

14. Summertime

15. Waltzing Matilda

16. Baby's Bed A Silver Moon

Children's Songs CD3 - Lullaby Themes for Sleepy Dreams適合三歲左右
About the CD
Lullaby Themes for Sleepy Dreams, Winner of the Parents' Choice GOLD award, is a diverse collection of 18 songs designed to lull even the fussiest baby into a peaceful sleep.
Aimed for children ages pre-birth to three years old, Lullaby Themes is composed of lilting, folk renditions of traditional and non-traditional lullabies, and features the silken, soprano voice of Susie Tallman accompanied by quiet acoustic guitar and piano. This 18-song collection picks up for the millenium where centuries of lullabies have left off.
Parents seeking to bring bedtime songs of the past to their children's ears should look no more. This distinctive collection includes essential favorites like Rock-A-Bye Baby andTwinkle, Twinkle Little Star, unique versions of Tell Me Why; and Dona Nobis Pacem, the soft African sound of Kumbaya and the classical strains of Mozart's Lullaby. Tallman's gentle voice is wonderfully sleep inducing for children, and her lovely melodies provide for adults a musical haven from the harried world of parenting.
Lullaby Themes for Sleepy Dreams was produced in Boston and San Francisco by[url=]Scottie Duncan[/url] and [url=]Susie Tallman[/url].
Song List

1. Hush Little Baby

2. Rock-a-bye Baby

3. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

4. Lovely Evening

5. Mother Goose Lullaby

6. Mozart's Lullaby

7. All The Pretty Little Horses

8. Golden Slumbers

9. Armenian Lullaby

10. Sleep, Baby Sleep

11. Sweetly Sleep

12. Slumber Song

13. Tell Me Why

14. Winkum, Winkum

15. Brahms' Lullaby

16. Kumbaya

17. Dona Nobis Pacem

18. All Through the Night

Children's Songs CD4 - Classic Nursery Rhymes適合二到十歲
About the CD
Rock Me Baby Records continues to prove its dedication to children with its third album,Classic Nursery Rhymes. 2–6 year olds will sing, clap, and dance along to the 37 tracks on this album. Singable, upbeat, rhythmic, harmonious, sometimes silly, always beautiful, Susie Tallman and friends show us all that we love about nursery rhymes.
Parents will enjoy hearing favorites such as Itsy Bitsy Spider and Baa Baa Black Sheep. Children will delight in four year-old Maudie Farnan's rendition of I'm a Little Teapot, a rap version of Hickory Dickory Dock,and Tallman's lyrical singing on Lavender's Blue.Using diverse voices, instruments, and arrangements, each song is comfortably familiar yet surprisingly unique.
"My 4-year-old listens to this fun CD every afternoon," says Kate Everett Thorp, a San Francisco mother and chairman of an Interactive PR agency. "It's fun for me too! We listen and laugh and sing the songs together."
"I'm thrilled about the international and original tone of Classic Nursery Rhymes," said Tallman. "Our enthusiasm about this third album comes through on every track, and this excitement, along with the quality of voices, provides a wonderful, musical way for parents to teach their children these poems and songs."
Song List

1. Six Little Ducks

20. Hey Diddle Diddle

2. Sing a Song of Sixpence

21. Three Blind Mice

3. Peter Piper

22. Old King Cole

4. Hickory Dickory Dock

23. Mary, Mary

5. I'm A Little Teapot

24. Pat-A-Cake

6. Little Miss Muffett

25. Jack and Jill

7. Itsy Bitsy Spider

26. Frere Jacques

8. Georgie Porgie

27. Dr. Foster

9. Ten Monkeys in the Bed

28. It's Raining, It's Pouring/Rain Rain Go Away

10. Rub-A-Dub-Dub

29. Little Bo Peep

11. Skidamarink

30. Going to St. Ives

12. Three Little Kittens

31. Little Nut Tree

13. Over In The Meadow

32. Mulberry Bush

14. Humpty Dumpty

33. Baa Baa Black Sheep

15. This Old Man

34. There Was An Old Woman

16. There Was A Crooked Man

35. The Owl and The Pussycat

17. [url=]Mary Had A Little Lamb[/url]

36. Lavender's Blue

18. Betty Botter

37. Wynkyn, Blynkyn and Nod

19. Diddle Diddle Dumpling

Children's Songs CD5 -Let's Go! Travel, Camp and Car Songs
About the CD
Let’s Go! takes you and your children on an adventure through music: you’ll explore the woods, star gaze on a cowboy’s range, dig for clams in San Francisco Bay, yodel with an ostrich on a mountain and visit 22 other traditional-now-hip places. Let’s Go! compiles 26 travel, camp & car songs, providing more than an hour of entertainment (perfect for road trips.) As with all Rock Me Baby Records CDs, this CD offers fresh, upbeat styles, real instruments, lots of voices, and interesting takes on the old favorites - adding cool rhythms and contemporary arrangements.
Let’s Go! is Susie Tallman and Rock Me Baby Records’ sixth album in a collection of award-winning music, popular with both children and parents. Let’s Go! was recorded in Sydney & Melbourne Australia with producers [url=]Mark O’Connor[/url] and Peter Farnan. The guest artists include Peter Maslen on drums, Greg O’Connor on ukelele and vocals, Michael Reily Burke, Maude Farnan, Stella Farnan and Roberta O’Connor on vocals.
“Road trips and campfires make up strong childhood memories and they were always accompanied by song. Between my parents, brother and grandparents, we sung all the time.  My grandfather was a park ranger-naturalist at Yosemite and Lassen National Parks in the 1930’s, 1940’s and 1950’s. Not only did my grandfather take campers on nature hikes, he led campfires and taught songs, played the banjo and violin, so he passed down many of his camp favorites, including “Ain’t Gonna Rain No More, 1000 Legged Worm, You Are My Sunshine, Oh Susanna, The Old Family Toothbrush. I decided to make this record to encourage the family to get together and sing in the car and hopefully create a soundtrack for vacations.”
Rock Me Baby Records has won the Parents’ Choice Gold Award for Lullaby Themes for Sleepy Dreams, the Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum & Gold Awards and the Parents’ Choice recommended for Classic Nursery Rhymes, the iParenting & Oppenheim Gold Award forChildren’s Songs, A Collection of Childhood Favorites and the iParenting Award forClassical Baby. Tallman’s CDs have also been recommended in Parenting, Baby Talk, Fit Pregnancy, Child and other National Publications.
Singer Susie Tallman graduated UCLA with a BA in voice performance. She further evolved her voice traveling and singing all around the world, nicely preparing her to present these travel, camp and car songs. Susie currently lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico with her husband and daughter, baby Tessa.
"Susie records music of quality for young children. It is her mission to provide music that is an alternative to the plethora of that genre offered commercially that is childish instead of child-like, sarcastic instead of sincere, a kind of music that fails to honor children and childhood. She is dedicated to excellence as she chooses materials that reflect traditional, heritage, and Classical forms, all performed artistically and in a beautifully natural style. In today's society, parents have often forgotten or lost the ability to share songs with their children. Here, they have a wonderful model and a way to give their children a repertoire and vocabulary to accompany their journey through their very important formative years."
—Louise Loomis (Director New Mexico Symphony Children’s Chorus)
Song List

1. [url=]Let’s Go[/url]

14. Swiiming Hole

2. Polly Wolly Doodle

15. The Ostrich Song

3. Madalina Catalina

16. Blowin’ in the Wind

4. Throw it out the Window

17. Boom Chicka Boom

5. Going on a Bear Hunt

18. Yankee Doodle

6. On Top of Spaghetti

19. Mary Ann McCarty

7. A Sailor Went to Sea

20. Clementine

8. Oh! Susanna

21. Aint’ Gonna Rain No More

9. You are My Sunshine

22. There’s A Hole in the Bucket

10. The Old Family Toothbrush

23. 1000 Legged Worm

Rock Me Baby 美国最佳儿歌 苏西托曼Susie Tallman 经典英文儿歌7CD全
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