汪培珽英文书单第1-7阶段 PDF+MP3 儿童分级英语绘本网盘下载 |
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本资源下载链接于2015年7月20日更新。 汪培珽英文书单第1-7阶段 PDF文档+MP3音频 儿童分级英语绘本 培养孩子的英文耳朵---汪培珽英文私房书单 这是一位台湾的妈妈,她的家庭教育方式目前来看是成功的,我们可以借鉴她的方法,尤其是在英语学习方面。 目录: 第一阶段(0-2岁)作者讲可以是0-6岁 [An I can read book] Level 1 (13绘本全) 1.Happy birthday, Danny and the dinosaur PDF+MP3 分享、友情 2.Danny and the Dinosaur PDF+MP3 冒险、友情 3.Danny and the Dinosaur Go to Camp PDF+MP3 团体生活、幽默 4.The Lighthouse Children MP3 关怀、友情 5.Who Will be My Friends PDF+MP3 交朋友 6.Captain Cat PDF+MP3 友情、幽默 7.Stanley PDF+MP3 勇于改变、爱 8.Grizzwold PDF+MP3 努力、冒险、环保 9.Chester PDF+MP3 追求理想不气馁 10.Mine's the Best PDF+MP3 炫耀心态、友谊 11.Oliver PDF+MP3 追求 12.Mrs. Brice's Mice PDF+MP3 关怀、友谊 13.Sammy the Seal PDF+MP3 冒险、追求理想 【Penguin Group】系列读本 (9绘本全) 1. Don't Wake the Baby PDF+MP3 关怀、爱、手足之情 2. Benny's Big Bubble PDF+MP3 冒险旅程,知名作家Tomie depaola作品 3. Silly Willy PDF+MP3 爱、幽默 4. The Big Snowball PDF+MP3 幽默 5. Otto the Cat PDF+MP3 友情、关怀 6. The Little Engine That Could Helps Out PDF+MP3 再试一次的勇气 7. Lots of Hearts PDF+MP3 关怀 8.Pig Out PDF+MP3 欢乐气氛 9.Picky Nicky PDF+MP3 营养食物的基本认识 各名家绘本:(书单全6本) 1.Do You See a Mouse? PDF+MP3 找找书 2.Little Gorilla PDF+MP3 爱、友情 3.My Mother is Mine PDF+MP3 还是自己的妈妈最好 4.No Nap PDF+MP3 小孩都不爱睡午觉 5.So Many Cats ! PDF+MP3 关怀、幼儿数数 6.The Little Red Hen PDF+MP3 天下没有免费的午餐 A picture reader系列只有一部分包含在汪培珽第一阶段书单内,其他的全本见:东西图书A Picture Reader儿童英语图画读本(含16 MP3音频+17本文档) 汪培珽英文书单 第二阶段(2岁) 作者讲可以是2-6岁 【I can read】系列 01.Small pig PDF+MP3 关怀、追求理想 02.Oscar Otter PDF+MP3 螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后的幽默 03.Red Fox and His Canoe PDF 分享、幽默、追求理想 04.The Fire Cat PDF 爱、关怀、做大事 05.Harry and The Lady Next Door PDF+MP3 梦想成真 06.No More Monsters for Me PDF+MP3 可爱的怪兽、机智、关怀 09.There Is a Carrot in My Ear PDF 无厘头式的幽默 10.The Adventures of Snail at School PDF 冒险、想象、自信 11.Buzby PDF+MP3 独立、自信、工作态度 12.Father Bear Comes Home PDF+MP3 父爱、家庭、温馨 13.Little Bear PDF+MP3 家庭、温馨 14.Little Bear's Friend PDF+MP3 友谊、交往 15.Little Bear's visit PDF+MP3 礼仪、交往 16.A Kiss For Little Bear PDF+MP3 关怀、爱 【Henry and Mudge】 Cynthia Rylant作品,pdf文档+mp3(8本全),描写小男孩Henry和大狗Mudge的系列故事。 01.Henry and Mudge and the Best Day of All PDF+MP3 02.Henry and Mudge in Puddle Trouble PDF+MP3 03.Henry and Mudge the First Book PDF+MP3 04.Henry and Mudge and the Starry Night PDF+MP3 05.Henry and Mudge in the Sparkle Days PDF+MP3 06.Henry and Mudge and Annie’s Perfect Pet PDF+MP3 07.Henry and Mudge Take the Big Test PDF+MP3 08.Henry and Mudge and the Bedtime Thumps PDF+MP3 注:第二阶段只收录Henry and Mudge系列8本,另外还有全套内容,属于汪培珽推荐书单。Henry and Mudge系列的全部见:汪培珽书单Henry and Mudge英文28本PDF文档+MP3音频 附辅助学习资料 儿童英语 桥梁书 【各名家绘本】 01.Fireman Small PDF 认真、助人 02.heaven PDF 爱和死亡 03.The Snowman PDF 奇幻探险 04.Now One foot,Now the Other PDF 祖孙情 05.Who's Afraid of the Big,Bad Bully 无 对抗恶势力、勇气 06.Blueberries for Sal PDF+MP3 温馨 07.Winnie in Winter PDF+MP3 知足、幽默 10.Hey! Get off our train PDF 环境保护,分享 11.The Doorbell Rang PDF+MP3 分享、数字概念 12.The Great Pig Escape PDF+MP3 滑稽故事 13.Stone Soup PDF+MP3 机智、分享 14.Daddy Makes the Best Spaghetti PDF+MP3 父爱 16.Little Polar Bear PDF 亲情、冒险、勇气 第三阶段(3岁)作者讲可以是3-6岁 【I can read】系列: Arnold Lobel是我最爱的作家之一 01.Frog and Toad Are Friends PDF+MP3 友情 02.Frog and toad together PDF+MP3 友情 03.Frog and toad all year PDF+MP3 友情 04.Days frog and toad PDF+MP3 友情 05.Grasshopper on the road PDF+MP3 哲学 06.Mouse soup PDF+MP3 诙谐故事 07.Mouse tales PDF+MP3 幽默、诙谐 08.Owl at home PDF+MP3 杞人忧天式幽默 09.Uncle elephant PDF+MP3 不露痕迹的关怀 10.Last one in is a rotten egg PDF+MP3 勇气、百折不挠 11.Clara and the bookwagon PDF 珍惜、努力 13.Big Max PDF+MP3 侦探故事 14.Here comes the strikeout PDF 有志者、事竟成 15.The smallest cow in the world PDF 想象力、怀念 另有全部 Frog and toad PDF绘本+MP3音频,请见:I Can Read之儿童英语有声读物-《Frog and Toad》2CD转MP3音频+PDF文档 英文桥梁书 【Oliver and Amanda】系列读本 以Oliver和Amanda这对小猪兄妹为主角,描写手足、亲情、成长、关怀的幽默温馨系列故事。每本书都有5个独立的故事。 01.Amanda Pig and Her Big Brother Oliver (1.5岁) PDF 02.Amanda Pig and Her Best Friend Lollipop PDF 03.Tales of Oliver Pig PDF 04.More Tales of Oliver Pig PDF 05.Tales of Amanda Pig PDF 06.Amanda Pig on Her Own PDF 07.More Tales of Amanda Pig PDF 08.Amanda Pig, School Girl PDF 10.Oliver, Amanda and Grandmother Pig PDF 11.Amanda Pig and the Awful,Scary Monster PDF 12.Oliver and Amanda and the Big Snow PDF 13.Amanda pig and the wiggly tooth PDF 14.Amanda pig first grader PDF 【James Marshall】Fox系列读本 作者James Marshall,我称这位作家的作品为小孩版的《心灵鸡汤》,为幽默首选。每本书都分成数个小故事,浅显易懂,潜藏于其中的深深幽默感,是值得一辈子收藏的。 1.Fox and His Friends PDF+MP3 2.Fox All Week PDF+MP3 3.Fox at school PDF+MP3 4.Fox on Wheels PDF+MP3 5.Fox be Nimble PDF+MP3 6.Fox on Stage PDF+MP3 7.Fox on the Job PDF+MP3 8.Fox in Love PDF 9.Three up a Tree PDF 10.Three by the Sea PDF 11.Four on the shore PDF 【各名家绘本】 1.The Biggest Bear PDF 友谊,爱心 2.Nasna Upstairs &Nana DownStairs PDF+MP3 祖孙情 3.Pompeii:Buried Alive PDF 庞贝城的历史由来 4.The Bravest Dog ever Balto PDF 勇气,冒险,助人 5.One Hundred Hungry Ants PDF 数字概念 6.Corduroy 小熊可可 PDF+MP3+MP4 关怀与爱 7.EEk! There's a mouse in the house PDF 连贯性的故事 9.Red Fox Running PDF 身负使命,坚忍到底 Curious George 好奇的乔治系列,如果孩子已经小学中、高年级,有基本英文听力。这时想要激发他们听英文故事的兴趣,可从此系列开始,因为故事和绘图都非常有趣,字数虽然不少,但程度不难,而且都附有录音带可反复听取。 1.Curious George PDF+MP3 2.Curious George Flies a Kite MP3 3.Curious George Gets a Medal PDF+MP3 4.Curious George Goes to the Hospital mp3 5.Curious George Rides a Bike PDF+MP3 6.Curious George Takes a Job PDF+MP3 全部好奇猴乔治Curious George PDF绘本+MP3音频,以及动画视频,请见:Curious George 好奇猴乔治英文剧集视频1-5季共138集+电影版6部+大量绘本及音频 小乌龟Franklin的系列作品 关于一只小乌龟Franklin的系列作品,每本有一个主题,深赋教育意义。但是,14-20的主题,可能较适合认知能力较好的四岁阶段。购自美国,台湾书目可能较不齐全。 1. Franklin in the dark MP3 怕黑 2. Franklin goes to the hospital 无 生病住院的经验 3. Franklin and the thunderstorm 无 勇气 4. Hurry up, Franklin PDF+MP3 守时 5. Franklin is lost PDF+MP3 守信 6. Franklin’s blanket PDF+MP3 心爱的宝贝不见了 7. Franklin goes to school PDF+MP3 第一次上学 8. Franklin’s new friend PDF+MP3 照顾新同学 9. Franklin is messy PDF+MP3 整洁 10. Franklin is bossy PDF+MP3 礼让 11. Franklin’s bad day 无 情绪处理 12. Franklin and Harriet 无 手足之情 13. Franklin fibs PDF 吹牛 14. Franklin has a sleepover MP3 到朋友家过夜 15. Franklin’s secret club 无 分享 16. Franklin’s Halloween MP3 万圣节的惊喜 17. Franklin’s Christmas gift 无 珍惜 18. Franklin’s school play PDF 舞台表演 第四阶段(5-10岁) 【I Can Read】系列 01.The Grandma Mix-up PDF 幽默、祖孙情 02.Zack’s Alligator PDF+MP3 幽默、友情、关怀 04.A Bargain for Frances PDF+MP3 坦诚、不欺瞒 05.The Big Balloon Race PDF 冒险、勇气、毅力 06.Sam the Minuteman PDF 争取自由、保护家园 07.The Josefina Story Quilt PDF 希望、关怀、感恩 08.The Golly Sisters Go West PDF 吵吵闹闹还是好朋友 09.Hill of Fire PDF 逆境中的乐观 10.The Drinking Gourd PDF+MP3 平等、关怀、勇气 11.The Long Way to the New Land PDF 移民的希望之旅 12.Wagon Wheels PDF 万里寻父的勇气之旅 13.The Case of the Scaredy Cats PDF 男女生的友谊、幽默 14.The Case of the Hungry Stranger PDF 天真幽默的侦探故事 15.Kick, Pass, and Run PDF 团队合作 16.Buffalo Bill and the Pony Express PDF 勇气、荣耀,真实故事改编 18.Emma’s Yucky Brother PDF 领养、亲情 19.The 18 Penny Goose PDF 逆境中的关怀,真实故事改编 20.Daniel’s Duck PDF 嘲笑也是称赞的一种方式 22.A Bear for Miguel PDF 勇气、慷慨 23.Snowshoe Thompson PDF 信任,真实故事改编 24.Small Wolf PDF+MP3 印第安人的历史 26.Ghosts PDF 鬼故事,幽默有趣 27.In a Dark, Dark Room PDF+MP3 鬼故事,幽默有趣 【Lillian Hoban】作品系列 “哥哥总是比妹妹强、比妹妹勇敢、比妹妹懂算术、比妹妹会识字......” 这自以为是的猩猩哥哥Arthur和妹妹Violet所发展出来的一系列幽默温馨故事。 01.Arthur's Birthday Party PDF 02.Arthur's Loose Tooth PDF 03.Arthur's Christmas Cookies PDF+MP3 04.Arthur's Honey Bear PDF+MP3 05.Arthur's Camp-Out PDF+MP3 06.Arthur's Great Big Valentine PDF 07.Arthur's Funny Money PDF+MP3 08.Arthur's Pen Pal PDF+MP3 09.Arthur Prize Reader PDF+MP3 10.Arthur's Back to School Day(NEW) PDF 【各名家绘本】 1.A Day's work PDF 诚实,态度,袓孙情 2.The giant jam sandwich PDF+MP3 消灭蚊子的方法,诙谐 3.Sami and the time of the Troubles PDF 战争,追求幸福 第五阶段(7-12岁) 【知名作家 Judith Viorst】作品 Alexander, Who Used to be Rich Last Sunday MP3 幽默 Alexander, Who's Not Going to Move MP3 幽默 Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day PDF+MP3 幽默 【知名作家 Virginia Lee Burton】作品 Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel MP3 毅力 The Little House PDF+MP3 念旧 Maybelle the Cable Car MP3 公民的投票权 Katy and the Big Snow MP3 努力认真工作 【知名作家 Jan Brett】作品 Gingerbread Baby PDF 冒险 The Hat PDF 分享 【知名作家 Bernard Waber】作品 Lyle, Lyle Crocodile MP3 关怀 【知名作家 Tomie dePaola】作品 Strega Nona PDF+MP3 幽默、守规矩 【知名作家 William Steig】作品 Doctor De Soto PDF+MP3 慈悲、勇气、机智 【知名作家 James Marshall】作品 MISS NELSON IS BACK PDF+MP3 幽默 Miss Nelson Has a Field Day PDF 幽默 George and Martha PDF+MP3 幽默 MISS NELSON IS MISSING! PDF+MP3 【各名家绘本】 Hurricane 飓风 MP3 想象之旅 Piggie Pie MP3 幽默 click clack moo crows that type PDF+MP3 幽默 Cloudy with Chance of Meatballs PDF+MP3 幻想,空中下起食物雨 a pocket full of kisses PDF+MP3 妈妈的爱永远用不完 The Kissing Hand PDF+MP3 亲情、无悔的爱 第六阶段(8岁以上) Magic Tree House一系列40多本的冒险故事,作者Mary Pope Osborne,字多图少,故事时间横跨古今,故事地点遍布全世界,而且每本都附有作者亲自朗读的录音带。 以下书籍全部包含MP3和PDF Magic Tree House 01 - Dinosaurs Before Dark MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 02 - Knight At Dawn MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 03 - Mummies in the Morning MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 04 - Pirates Past Noon MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 05 - Night of the Ninjas MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 06 - Afternoon on the Amazon MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 07 - Sunset of the Sabertooth MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 08 - Midnight on the Moon MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 09 - Dolphins at Daybreak MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 10 - Ghost Town at Sundown MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 11 - Lions at Lunchtime MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 12 - Polar Bears Past Bedtime MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 13 - Vacation on the Volcano MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 14 - Day of the Dragon King MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 15 - Viking Ships at Sunrise MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 16 - Hour of the Olympics MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 17 - Tonight on the Titanic MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 18 - Buffalo Before Breakfast MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 19 - Tigers at Twilight MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 20 - Dingoes at Dinnertime MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 21 - Civil War on Sunday MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 22 - Revolutionary War on Wednesday MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 23 - Twister on Tuesday MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 24 - Earthquake in the Early Morning MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 25 - Stage Fright on a Summer Night MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 26 - Good Morning, Gorillas MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 27 - Thanksgiving on Thursday MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 28 - High Tide In Hawaii MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 29 - Christmas in Camelot MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 30 - Haunted Castle on Hallow's Eve MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 31 - Summer of the Sea Serpent MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 32 - Winter of the Ice Wizard MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 33 - Carnival at Candlelight MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 34 - Season of the Sandstorms MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 35 - Night of the New Magicians MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 36 - Blizzard of the Blue Moon MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 37 - Dragon of the Red Dawn MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 38 - Monday with a Mad Genius MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 39 - Dark Day in the Deep Sea MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 40 - Eve of the Emperor Penguin MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 41 - Moonlight on the Magic Flute MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 42 - A Good Night for Ghosts MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 43 - Leprechaun In Late Winter MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 44 A Ghost Tale for Christmas Time MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 45 A Crazy Day with Cobras MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 46 Dogs in the Dead of Night MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 47 Abe Lincoln at Last! MP3音频+PDF文档 Magic Tree House 48 A Perfect Time for Pandas MP3音频+PDF文档 第七阶段(10岁以上) Geronimo Stilton系列(中文名老鼠记者),部分PDF文档,22个音频故事 1: Lost Treasure of the Emerald Eye (February 2004) MP3音频 2: The Curse of the Cheese Pyramid (February 2004) MP3音频+PDF文档 3: Cat and Mouse in a Haunted House (February 2004) MP3音频+PDF文档 4: I'm Too Fond of My Fur! (February 2004) MP3音频+PDF文档 5: Four Mice Deep in the Jungle (March 2004) MP3音频+PDF文档 6: Paws Off, Cheddarface! (April 2004) MP3音频+PDF文档 7: Red Pizzas for a Blue Count (May 2004) MP3音频+PDF文档 8: Attack of the Bandit Cats (June 2004) MP3音频+PDF文档 9: A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo (July 2004) MP3音频+PDF文档 10: All Because of a Cup of Coffee (August 2004) MP3音频+PDF文档 11: It's Halloween, You 'Fraidy Mouse! (September 2004) MP3音频 12: Merry Christmas, Geronimo! (October 2004) MP3音频 13: The Phantom of the Subway (November 2004) MP3音频+PDF文档 14: The Temple of the Ruby of Fire (December 2004) MP3音频 15: The Mona Mousa Code (January 2005) MP3音频 16: A Cheese-Colored Camper (February 2005) MP3音频 17: Watch Your Whiskers, Stilton! (March 2005) MP3音频 18: Shipwreck on the Pirate Islands (April 2005) MP3音频 20: Surf’s up Geronimo! (June 2005) MP3音频+PDF文档 21: The Wild, Wild West (July 2005) MP3音频 22: The Secret of Cacklefur Castle (August 2005) MP3音频 24: Field Trip to Niagara Falls (March 2006) MP3音频 汪培珽英文书单第1-7阶段 PDF文档+MP3音频 儿童分级英语绘本 资源大小:16.7G 下载地址:
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