《Maisy系列英文绘本》11DVD+26本书MP3+pdf 百度云迅雷网盘下载 |
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Maisy系列 小鼠波波Maisy这系列动画借用了英国作家Lucy Cousins的系列绘本Maisy Mouse的主角梅西鼠Maisy,不过,小鼠波波Maisy动画却是地地道道的美语,是美国的儿童电视频道Nickelodeon于1999-2001年制作的。 小鼠波波Maisy这系列动画是认知类启蒙的,适合小小孩开始学英语,是画外配音,主角小鼠波波Maisy在动画中没有语言,只有一些咿咿呀呀的声音而已,这让我想起了捷克的著名动画“鼹鼠的故事”——鼹鼠的故事,没有语言,也没有画外音,就只有一些咿咿呀呀的声音,但里面的温情让让我这个成人都能感动不已(可惜,我的硬盘坏过一次,现在找不到这系列动画了)。 小鼠波波Maisy的适用对象跟英音中的认知类动画Big Muzzy(Muzzy in Gondoland)差不多,至于如何选择,把这个权利交给孩子吧。 这套书我只买到4本。买原版书这点比较苦恼,没有成套的卖,只好自己一本本淘。这套书有引进版,翻译成小鼠波波。 Maisy是一只可爱的小老鼠,这一系列的书画风卡通,色彩鲜艳,语言简单,非常吸引小孩。Maisy非常生活化,都是发生在幼儿身边的小故事,比如Maisy洗澡、去海滩、睡觉、开车、医生等等,小朋友读起来亲切。 最初,是给玲玲打印了2本,没有彩色打印机,打印了黑白的。没想到玲玲一下子就迷上了Maisy,后来又打印了3本,这五本黑白的Maisy玲玲翻来覆去看了很多遍。看玲玲如此喜欢,于是在网上又淘了四本回来。原版绘本颜色很漂亮,相比黑白的实在是暗淡,想不到玲玲喜新不厌旧,对打印的黑白版仍旧爱不释手。 Doctor Maisy.pdf Ha Ha, Maisy!.mp3 How Will You Get There, Maisy_.mp3 Maisy at the Beach (前).pdf Maisy at the Beach (后).pdf maisy charley and the wobbly tooth(配乐).mp3 Maisy Charley and the Wobbly Tooth.pdf Maisy cleans_up (前).pdf Maisy cleans_up (后).pdf Maisy Dresses Up (后).pdf Maisy Dresses Up(前).pdf Maisy Dresses Up.mp3 Maisy Drives the Bus.mp3 Maisy Goes Camping(CD).rar Maisy Goes Camping.mp3 Maisy Goes Camping.pdf Maisy Goes on a Sleepover.pdf Maisy Goes on Holiday(配乐).mp3 Maisy Goes on Holiday.pdf Maisy Goes Shopping.mp3 Maisy Goes shopping.pdf Maisy Goes to Hospital.pdf Maisy Goes to Nursery.pdf Maisy Goes to the city.mp3 Maisy Goes to the City.pdf Maisy Goes to the library(配乐).mp3 Maisy Goes to the Library.pdf Maisy Goes to the museum(配乐).mp3 Maisy Goes to the Museum.pdf Maisy Makes Gingerbread.pdf Maisy Makes Lemonade.mp3 Maisy Makes Lemonade.pdf Maisy’s Bedtime.mp3 Maisy’s Bedtime.pdf Maisy’s Christmas Eve (Full Story And Music).mp3 Maisy’s Christmas Eve(CD).rar Maisy’s Christmas Eve.pdf Maisy’s Morning on the farm.pdf Maisy’s Noisy Day.mp3 Maisy_Takes_A_Bath.mp3 Maisy_Takes_A_Bath.pdf Sweet Dreams, Maisy.mp3 Where Does Maisy Live.mp3 双语版的11张DVD,44个文件 看看小鼠波波Maisy这44集的目录吧: 1 “Farm” Red Tractor 11 February 1999 Maisy enjoys a fun packed day on the farm, helped by her friend the little black cat. She collects eggs from the chickens, rides a horse and feeds the geese and then she takes her tractor to muck out the pigs and the lambs before tucking everyone up in bed. 2 “Picnic” Picnic Bag 11 February 1999 Maisy finds that she makes some new friends when she goes for a picnic in the woods. 3 “Pool” Paddling Pool 11 February 1999 It’s a very hot day and Maisy and Tallulah decide to get out the paddling pool. Once it’s finally full of water, Eddie arrives and joins in the fun. 4 “Camping” Yellow Tent 11 February 1999 Maisy and Tallulah pitch their tent in the garden – Charley decides to take a nap and Cyril brings the refreshments. They settle down for a peaceful night’s sleep, but a nearby owl decides that it’s time to wake up now. 5 “Rabbit” Rabbit 12 February 1999 Maisy is picking flowers in her garden when she meets Rabbit who seems to enjoy eating the flowers too! Maisy takes him home for lunch. 6 “Boat” Sailing Boat 12 February 1999 Maisy sails her boat on a breezy day, and meets an octopus and a shoal of fish and plays ball with a dolphin. When the wind drops a seagull and a whale come to her rescue. 《Maisy系列英文绘本》11DVD+26本书MP3+pdf 百度云迅雷网盘下载 下载地址:
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