Little Fox下载 英语动画故事单词发音歌曲字母 AVI+FLASH+MP3+DOC

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发表于 2014-12-6 21:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

PS: 宝宝的眼睛十分娇柔,需要细心呵护,并不是完全不能看电视,在适当的光线下短时间看电视, 每次观看的时间不能过长,最好控制在20分钟内 ,活动的图像和鲜艳的色彩对孩子的神经系统发育有好处 。

Little Fox 动画英语小故事(Magic Marker系列)71个 FLASH+MP3+DOC+AVI视频
Little Fox song 162首
Little Fox Other storys 67首
Little Fox 单词学习及简单、中级、高级故事FLASH 328个
Little Fox 发音练习 Phonics 48个
Little Fox 学习字母A--Z(缺X) 25个
Little Fox 学单词语音游戏系列 31个
Little Fox 游戏 24个
Little Fox 生活对话63个FLASH


Little Fox 动画英语小故事(Magic Marker系列) FLASH+MP3+DOC+AVI视频

01.Meet the Characters
02.Maxie and Taco
03.New Friends
04.What Is This
05.Who Is That
06.I Like Fish
07.Let's Play Soccer
08.Where is Maxie
09.Can You Fly
10.My Favorite Color Is Blue
11.Watch This
12.I Want to Go Home
13.I'm Sorry
14.Is It a Magic Marker
15.I'm an Artist
16.She Is Tall and Old
17.How Many Pets
18.Where's the Doll
19.What Are This
20.What Do You Have
21.What Time Is It
22.We're Having a Party
23.Party Time
24.Juice or Soda
25.This is Mine
26.Who's She
27.What Day Is It Today
28.What Do You Do on Tuesday
29.Do You Have a Jacket
30.Does She Have Any Popcorn
31.It Has Eight Long Legs
32.Get Up,Taco
33.Where Are You from
34.Sue Is in the Bedroom
35.There Is a Lamp in the Living Room
36.Grandmother Goes Home
37.Whose Book Is This
38.What's Your Favorite Subject
39.Where Is the School
40.In the News
41.I Sometimes Go Swimming
42.When Do You Eat Lunch
43.I'm Taking a Bus
44.Where Were You Yesterday
45.What Did You Do Yesterday
46.We Ate Noodles
47.There Is No Magic Marker
48.The New Neighbor
49.We Need the Magic Marker Again
50.Follow That Truck
51.I'm Ticklish
52.At the Airport
53.Welcome to China
54.Do you Speak English
55.Making New Friends
56.The Great Wall of China
57.The Dragon Danceg
58.Time to Say Goodbye
59.Sneaking Aboard
60.Underwater Adventures
61.The Storm
62.Lulu the Panda Bear
63.Land Ahoy
64.Where Are WE
65.Fancy MeetingYou Here
66.Going by Train
67.The Guest
68.Meeting at the Train Station
69.Where Should We Go
70.Under the Tree
71.The Truth About the Magic Marker

Little Fox 单词学习及简单、中级、高级故事FLASH

中级故事 Story_norma

A strong donkey.swf
Allen's fear.swf
alphabet land.swf
An eagle and an arrow.swf
animal counting.swf
animals in winter.swf
Anne Sullivan and Hellen Keller.swf
Better than you.swf
Birthdays around the world.swf
Bob goes to dentist.swf
buzzy bee's day.swf
Can You Draw These Lines.swf
Check up.swf
city sound and country sound.swf
clown school.swf
dancing on the desks.swf
Dinner Time for Pam & Bob.swf
dog and his bone.swf
dogs that work.swf
dreaming of spring.swf
from tadploe to frog.swf
Fun with crayons.swf
go go go.swf
Goldilock and three bears.swf
Grizzly Bear.swf
Grow,Little Rosemary.swf
Guess Who I Am.swf
hooray for the tooth fairy.swf
houses of the world.swf
How Do I Eat This.swf
how do seeds travel.swf
How Does This Feel.swf
How Does This Sound.swf
I am a good helper.swf
I can do everything myself.swf
I See a Pattern.swf
I Want That.swf
if I were free.swf
If I Were.swf
In my house.swf
It is autumn.swf
Just like dad.swf
Let's get a christmastree.swf
lion's bad breath.swf
long ago and now.swf
molly and the milk.swf
money's burning bottom.swf
Mother and son.swf
muffy runs away.swf
My friend the elephant.swf
my magnet.swf
my neighbors.swf
my new city.swf
new clothes.swf
no ordinary blanket.swf
no two people are the same.swf
On Arbor Day.swf
On mothers day.swf
one fall day.swf
Over the meadow.swf
pass the pie.swf
Rabbit finds a home.swf
sleeping beauty.swf
summer and winter fun.swf
the ant and the grasshopper.swf
The Beggar Who Became the Presidnet.swf
the biggest sweet potato.swf
The Biggest Thing.swf
the birth of a king.swf
the boy who cried wolf.swf
the crocodile bird.swf
the elves and the shoemaker.swf
the enormous turnip.swf
The faithful dog.swf
the favorite toys.swf
the fox and the crow.swf
the fox and the goat.swf
the frog prince.swf
the frogs and their king.swf
the giraffe's neck and the deer's horns.swf
the gold fish.swf
the greatest bridegroom.swf
the hart and the hunter.swf
The king's new clothes.swf
the lion and the mouse.swf
The little envelope's big trip.swf
the month of the year.swf
the north wind and the sun.swf
the ox and the frog.swf
the peddler and his donkey.swf
the punishment of the morning glory.swf
the secret meeting of the mice.swf
the Skunk(臭鼬) become a hero.swf
The test.swf
The three wishes.swf
The Tortoise and the Hare.swf
the water cycle.swf
thirsty pockets.swf
this world full of wonder.swf
three little pigs.swf
visitors in my garden.swf
wake up nancy.swf
what is in the sea.swf
what will you do at school today.swf
when birds fly low.swf
when the sun goes down.swf
where is my pencil.swf
who is the king of the forest.swf
who made your birthday cake.swf
why does the polar bear have white fur.swf
wonderful water.swf
Yoo Jin's first day.swf

简单故事和单词学习 Story_easy

1_happy birthday.swf
2_I see.swf
A greedy monkey.swf
A New bike.swf
A rainbow car.swf
Am I a vegetable.swf
animal counting.swf
At Night.swf
ball goes on a picnic.swf
bath time for muffy.swf
Beautiful spring.swf
better than you.swf
Cans Bottles and boxes.swf
Christmas is coming.swf
Come Play With Me.swf
Digly,up and down.swf
Do you see What it is.swf
Four seasons.swf
Going on a bear hunt.swf
Grandpa's Farm.swf
higher and higher.swf
How can i get by.swf
I Like to Climb.swf
merry christmas.swf
Mr shapey.swf
My Baby Brother.swf
My brother and I.swf
My five senses.swf
my shadow.swf
My socks.swf
New beginnings.swf
number one.swf
On a raining day.swf
on the monster.swf
Rain on the green grass.swf
Sad terry.swf
Teddy's day.swf
The baby elephant.swf
The banana tree.swf
the bule whale.swf
The days of the week.swf
The food chant.swf
Things That Fly.swf
things that go.swf
This clock says.swf
Time for work.swf
Underwater fun.swf
What am I.swf
what are things made of.swf
what i like best.swf
what time is it.swf
where is the  ball.swf
which ball.swf
who am I.swf
whose shadow is this.swf

高级故事 Story_hard

a cockroach car.swf
A country road.swf
a dinner of smell.swf
a hot air balloon.swf
A round witch and a king.swf
a story of a hat.swf
Andrew Carnegie.swf
animals in winter.swf
at the lake.swf
Big brother babysitter.swf
big scoop.swf
billy the bully.swf
Bobby the bookworm .swf
bremen town musicians.swf
bug olympics.swf
Candle's Tears.swf
charlie chaplin.swf
christmas hide and seek 1.swf
christmas hide and seek 2.swf
christmas kettle.swf
coffecup and washbasin.swf
come out of your shell.swf
Crab's Riddle.swf
Curious about the Future.swf
don't waster your garbage.swf
donkey and his master.swf
dream collector.swf
echo's punishment.swf
Eiffel tower.swf
fishing trip.swf
five pea brother.swf
flying isn't just for birds.swf
forgetful jack.swf
havest time.swf
henny penny.swf
henry the guide dog.swf
how joey got his name.swf
I know I can.swf
in the arctic with polar bears.swf
it's not easy being a kid.swf
jack and the beanstalk.swf
jeffery the giant.swf
king arthur.swf
lessons from tiger woods.swf
lisa's wish.swf
little red hen.swf
liza's loose tooth.swf
magic mirror.swf
man his son and donkey.swf
man's best friend.swf
miser and his gold.swf
Mrs. Rigatoni's spaghetti.swf
Muhammad Ali.swf
my first sleepover.swf
my new friend.swf
new year's surprise.swf
no all cats chase mice.swf
one day of  bird.swf
pinocchio 1.swf
pinocchio 2.swf
playing the luke.swf
puss in boots.swf
rava and volcano.swf
Seeing is believing.swf
show and tell.swf
smallest favor.swf
snow day.swf
special day.swf
spider's craft contest.swf
St. Patrick's day.swf
steve's baby brother.swf
sun and moon.swf
surprise it's big ben.swf
talk to a earthworm.swf
talkative parrot.swf
the april fools.swf
The Athletic High-Jumping Flea.swf
the bear and two travelers.swf
the big breakfast.swf
the bravest dog.swf
the country mouse and city mouse.swf
The Day the Balls Had a Fight.swf
the detective annie.swf
The Earthworms' Field Day.swf
the easter holiday.swf
the friendship of two lizards.swf
the funnel spider.swf
the gingerbread man.swf
the hair cut.swf
the haunted house.swf
the ice spell.swf
the impossible task.swf
the journey of milkie the milk.swf
the last day of Pompeii.swf
the lazy boy and coin.swf
the lie that grew.swf
the life of a red fox.swf
the little dutch boy.swf
The Making of an Inventor.swf
the making of night and day.swf
the marathon of hope.swf
the mayor and the young boy.swf
the merchant of baghdad.swf
the miracle bread.swf
the moon and the dressmaker.swf
the most expensive wedding.swf
the moth and the lamp post.swf
the night before christams.swf
the olive tree and the fig tree.swf
the people that you meet.swf
the plants defense.swf
the princessand the pea .swf
the scary beetle.swf
the seasons.swf
the secret.swf
the small hero.swf
the story of georgina the giraffe.swf
the story of teddy bear.swf
the swallow and the crow.swf
the Three brother goats gruff.swf
the thumb princess 2.swf
the tin soldier's love.swf
this summer.swf
three golden flowers.swf
tiger in trap.swf
treasure in the garden.swf
two balls.swf
valentine's day.swf
welcome back,bella.swf
what do animals eat.swf
what time is it.swf
what time is the game.swf
when the dinosaurs roamed.swf
who will wear the yellow shoe.swf
why do animals have tails.swf
why do black people have curly hair.swf
why the wind blow.swf
women's work.swf
Yummy Cookies.swf

Little Fox Other storys

A Father's Decision.swf
A Father's Wisdom.swf
A Game in May.swf
Bremen Town Musicians.swf
Changing Lives With Love.swf
Church Mouse.swf
David and Goliath.swf
Eat a Peach.swf
Exodus from Egypt (Part 1).swf
Exodus from Egypt (Part 2).swf
Five and Dime.swf
Halloween Scream.swf
How Animals Survive in the Desert.swf
How Tulips Came to Canada.swf
Huge Luke.swf
In Her House.swf
Joseph and the Dreams.swf
Joseph's Family in Egypt.swf
Joshua and His Shouting Army.swf
King Kevin's Kithen.swf
The American Dream.swf
The Balloon Factory.swf
The City of Babel.swf
The Diary of Amelia Earhart.swf
The Donkey and the LapDog.swf
The Fiddle in the Forest.swf
The First Thanksgiving.swf
The Honest Woodcutter.swf

Little Fox song 的目录

A Ram Sam Sam.swf
A-Hunting We Will Go.swf
Ali baba's farm.swf
All the Pretty Little Horses.swf
All Through the Night.swf
Angels Watching Over Me.swf
Are You Sleeping.swf
Autumn Leaves Are A-Falling.swf
Autumn Lullaby.swf
Baa Baa black sheep.swf
baby bye.swf
Clap Your Hands.swf
Clemen time.swf
Cradle Song.swf
Days of the Month.swf
Deck the Halls.swf
Did You Even See a lassie.swf
Down By the Station.swf
Eentsy Weensy Spider.swf
Five Big Dump Trucks.swf
Five Little Monkeys.swf
five miles from home.swf
for my valentine.swf
German Cradle Song.swf
Gingerbread Man.swf
Good Night.swf
Grandma's Glasses.swf
Ham and Eggs.swf
Hands Chant.swf
Happy Birthday.swf
Head and Shoulders.swf
Here We Come A-Caroling.swf
Hickety,Pickety,My Black Hen.swf
Hickory,Dickory Dock.swf
Home on the Range.swf
Hot Cross Buns.swf
How Is the Weather.swf
Humpty Dumpty.swf
Hush,Little Baby.swf
I had a little nut tree.swf
I Love Little Pussy.swf
I Love the Mountains.swf
I'm a Little Teapot.swf
If You're Happy.swf
Jack and Jill.swf
Jimmy Crack Corn.swf
Jingle Bells.swf
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt.swf
joy to the world.swf
Kum Ba Yah.swf
Lazy Mary.swf
Let Everyone Clap Hands.swf
let us sing together.swf
letter b.swf
Little Bo Peep.swf
Little Cabin in the Wood.swf
Little Goldfish.swf
little green frog.swf
Little Peter Rabbit.swf
Little Snowman.swf
London Bridge.swf
Looby Loo.swf
Make New Friends.swf
Mary Had a Little Lamb.swf
Mozart's Lullaby.swf
My aunt came back.swf
my bonnie.swf
My Brother and I.swf
My Grandfather's Clock.swf
O Christmas Tree.swf
Oats,Peas,Beans and Barley Grow.swf
Old Brass Wagon.swf
Old Gray Mare.swf
Old King Cole.swf
Old MacDonald Had a Farm.swf
Old Macdonald.swf
One Little Finger.swf
One Two Buckle My Shoe.swf
Over in the Meadow.swf
Pease Porridge Hot.swf
Plum Blossoms.swf
Polly,Pot the Kettle.swf
Pop!Goes the Weasel.swf
Pussy Cat,Pussy Cat.swf
Rain,Rain,Go Away.swf
Reuben Reuben.swf
Ring Around the Rosy.swf
Ring,Ring,Ring the Bells.swf
Rise and Shine.swf
Roll That Ball.swf
Rosy,My Posy.swf
Round the Clock.swf
Round the Village.swf
Row your boat.swf
Row,Row,Row,Your Boat.swf
Sally,Go' Round the Sun.swf
Sea Shells.swf
She'll Be Comin' Round the Mountain.swf
shoo fly.swf
Silent Night.swf
Simple Simon.swf
sing a song of sixpence.swf
Sing Together.swf
Six Little Ducks.swf
Skip to my Lou.swf
Sleep Baby Sleep.swf
Spring Arrival.swf
Take Me Out To The Ball Game.swf
Teddy Bear,Teddy Bear.swf
Ten Fat Sausages.swf
The Ants Go Marching .swf
The bear went over the mountain..swf
The Broom.swf
The Family.swf
The Farmer in the Dell.swf
The Finger Family.swf
The First Noel.swf
The Little Indian Boys.swf
The Months.swf
The More We Get Together.swf
The muffin man.swf
The Seasons.swf
This Is the Way.swf
This Little Pig.swf
This Old Man.swf
Three Blind Mice.swf
Three Blue Pigeons.swf
Three Little Kittens.swf
Today Is Monday.swf
Trot to Boston.swf
Twinkle,Twinkle,Little Star.swf
Two Little Blackbirds.swf
Under Spreading Chestnut Tree.swf
We Wish You a Merry Christmas.swf
What are you  wearing.swf
What's This.swf
What's Your Name.swf
wheels on the bus.swf
Where Do All the Daisies Go.swf
Who Stole the Cookies from the Cookie Jar.swf
Winter Cheer.swf
Yankee Doodle.swf

Little Fox 发音练习 Phonics

2_a clown,a fly,and glen.swf
2_a game in may.swf
2_a good gift.swf
2_a lucky bunny family.swf
2_a quiet quiz.swf
2_a skunk and a king.swf
2_a train to greenland.swf
2_church mouse.swf
2_do not open the door.swf
2_eat a peach.swf
2_have you seen a goat.swf
2_huge luke.swf
2_in her house.swf
2_in the hut.swf
2_in the summer.swf
2_inch by inch inchworm.swf
2_joyful jill and jolly jack.swf
2_king kevins kitchen.swf
2_michael and the monster.swf
2_mr wright and the knight.swf
2_my five and dime.swf
2_my sticky stick book.swf
2_ned needs a new one.swf
2_off the box.swf
2_painting is a pain.swf
2_rat race.swf
2_shelly loves shopping.swf
2_stan ran.swf
2_ted loves red.swf
2_the awful autumn sauce.swf
2_the boy with the corn.swf
2_the fiddle in the forest.swf
2_the little lion.swf
2_the north star.swf
2_the princesss presents.swf
2_thumbelina loves this.swf
2_tick tick tick gose clock.swf
2_timmy drinks twice.swf
2_vern visits the village.swf
2_we want a wish.swf
2_what a bore.swf
2_what can a cat do.swf
2_what could it b.swf
2_whisper of the whale.swf
2_who stole the cookie.swf
2_wow the goose cook.swf
2_xylophone and zebras.swf
2_yeah we got a yoyo.swf

Little Fox 游戏

at the beach.swf
farm animals.swf
find the diffrent.swf
goldilock and three bears.swf
guess who I am easy.swf
guess who I am hard.swf
save princess easy.swf
save princess hard.swf
time easy.swf
time hard.swf
typeing game.swf
where sleep easy.swf
where sleep hard.swf
who am i puzzle easy.swf
who am i puzzle hard.swf

Little Fox 英语动画故事单词发音歌曲字母 AVI+FLASH+MP3+DOC 小故事 Magic Marker
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