牛津Oxford Potato幼儿英语故事读本 MP3音频+PDF文档 英语绘本 |
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牛津Oxford Potato幼儿英语故事读本,很贴进幼儿生活,美语发音。
作者: Patrick Jackson等 出版社:Oxford University Press 一共12本 1. Potato Pals 是一套由6个马铃薯拟人化而成的故事读本,故事内容简单,人物造型可爱,适合学龄前及小学低年级小朋友阅读。 2. Potato Pals 每册分为Book A-F,每本书可单独使用或依照顺序慢慢阅读,因其单元主题皆围绕着小朋友的日常生活作息编写,可引发小朋友的学习兴致。 读本设计采图文并茂的方式,左页的主要句型共重复8次,利用多次的练习帮助学童快速地学习和记忆,并搭配小小图示,老师可带领孩子看图记忆并重复所学过的句 型,无形中达到温故知新的效果。右页的句型则是跟主题有关联的句型,运用情境式的教学帮助孩子了解基础句型。读本的内页里,包含3个部分,其第2、3部分 可作为阅读读本后的延伸教材,让小朋友阅读和字汇能力同步成长: 1. 读本句型 2. Focus Words(焦点字汇)将与故事主题相关的字汇罗列于此,而这些字汇也可在插画内找到。如在At School中,则是教授教室用品,pencil、eraser 等字皆有收录。 3.Topic Words(主题字汇)以At School 为例,是介绍插图中所包含的形状。如star、circle等。他册则有教授颜色、数字、天气、常用形容词等。 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 目录 PDF文档: Potato Pals 1A-in the morning.pdf Potato Pals 1B-at school.pdf Potato Pals 1C-at park.pdf Potato Pals 1D-at home.pdf Potato Pals 1E-good friends.pdf Potato Pals 1F-in the evening.pdf Potato Pals 2A-At the Store.pdf Potato Pals 2B-On a Camping trip.pdf Potato Pals 2C-In Town.pdf Potato Pals 2D-At the Beach.flv Potato Pals 2E-At the Zoo.flv Potato Pals 2F-On the Farm.flv MP3音频: Potato Pals 1A-in the morningIn the morning 01 开场0.mp3 Potato Pals 1A-in the morningIn the morning 02 歌曲 potato.mp3 Potato Pals 1A-in the morningIn the morning 03 开场1.mp3 Potato Pals 1A-in the morningIn the morning 04 读句子 第1遍.mp3 Potato Pals 1A-in the morningIn the morning 05 开场2.mp3 Potato Pals 1A-in the morningIn the morning 06 读句子 第2遍.mp3 Potato Pals 1A-in the morningIn the morning 07 开场3.mp3 Potato Pals 1A-in the morningIn the morning 08 第1页wake up 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1A-in the morningIn the morning 09 第3页get out of bed 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1A-in the morningIn the morning 10 第5页wash my face 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1A-in the morningIn the morning 11 第7页comb my hair 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1A-in the morningIn the morning 12 第9页eat breakfast 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1A-in the morningIn the morning 13 第11页brush my teeth 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1A-in the morningIn the morning 14 第13页get dressed 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1A-in the morningIn the morning 15 第15页go to shcool 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1A-in the morningIn the morning 16 一起唱歌.mp3 Potato Pals 1B-at schoolat school 01 开场1.mp3 Potato Pals 1B-at schoolat school 02 读句子 第1遍.mp3 Potato Pals 1B-at schoolat school 03 开场2.mp3 Potato Pals 1B-at schoolat school 04 读句子 第2遍.mp3 Potato Pals 1B-at schoolat school 05 开场3.mp3 Potato Pals 1B-at schoolat school 06 第1页 hello 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1B-at schoolat school 07 第3页 workbook 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1B-at schoolat school 08 第5页 pictures 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1B-at schoolat school 09 第7页 books 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1B-at schoolat school 10 第9页 sing and dance 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1B-at schoolat school 11 第11页 play games 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1B-at schoolat school 12 第13页 clean 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1B-at schoolat school 13 第15页 good bye 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1B-at schoolat school 14 一起唱歌.mp3 Potato Pals 1C-at parkat park 01 开场1.mp3 Potato Pals 1C-at parkat park 02 读句子 第1遍.mp3 Potato Pals 1C-at parkat park 03 开场2.mp3 Potato Pals 1C-at parkat park 04 读句子 第2遍.mp3 Potato Pals 1C-at parkat park 05 开场3.mp3 Potato Pals 1C-at parkat park 06 第1页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1C-at parkat park 07 第3页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1C-at parkat park 08 第5页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1C-at parkat park 09 第7页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1C-at parkat park 10 第9页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1C-at parkat park 11 第11页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1C-at parkat park 12 第13页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1C-at parkat park 13 第15页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1C-at parkat park 14 一起唱歌.mp3 Potato Pals 1D-at homeat home 01 开场1.mp3 Potato Pals 1D-at homeat home 02 读句子 第1遍.mp3 Potato Pals 1D-at homeat home 03 开场2.mp3 Potato Pals 1D-at homeat home 04 读句子 第2遍.mp3 Potato Pals 1D-at homeat home 05 开场3.mp3 Potato Pals 1D-at homeat home 06 第1页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1D-at homeat home 07 第3页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1D-at homeat home 08 第5页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1D-at homeat home 09 第7页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1D-at homeat home 10 第9页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1D-at homeat home 11 第11页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1D-at homeat home 12 第13页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1D-at homeat home 13 第15页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1D-at homeat home 14 一起唱歌.mp3 Potato Pals 1E-good friendsgood friends 01 开场1.mp3 Potato Pals 1E-good friendsgood friends 02 读句子 第1遍.mp3 Potato Pals 1E-good friendsgood friends 03 开场2.mp3 Potato Pals 1E-good friendsgood friends 04 读句子 第2遍.mp3 Potato Pals 1E-good friendsgood friends 05 开场3.mp3 Potato Pals 1E-good friendsgood friends 06 第1页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1E-good friendsgood friends 07 第3页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1E-good friendsgood friends 08 第5页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1E-good friendsgood friends 09 第7页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1E-good friendsgood friends 10 第9页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1E-good friendsgood friends 11 第11页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1E-good friendsgood friends 12 第13页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1E-good friendsgood friends 13 第15页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1E-good friendsgood friends 14 一起唱歌.mp3 Potato Pals 1F-in the eveningIn the evening 01 开场1.mp3 Potato Pals 1F-in the eveningIn the evening 02 读句子 第1遍.mp3 Potato Pals 1F-in the eveningIn the evening 03 开场2.mp3 Potato Pals 1F-in the eveningIn the evening 04 读句子 第2遍.mp3 Potato Pals 1F-in the eveningIn the evening 05 开场3.mp3 Potato Pals 1F-in the eveningIn the evening 06 第1页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1F-in the eveningIn the evening 07 第3页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1F-in the eveningIn the evening 08 第5页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1F-in the eveningIn the evening 09 第7页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1F-in the eveningIn the evening 10 第9页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1F-in the eveningIn the evening 11 第11页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1F-in the eveningIn the evening 12 第13页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1F-in the eveningIn the evening 13 第15页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 1F-in the eveningIn the evening 14 一起唱歌.mp3 Potato Pals 2A-At the StoreAt the Store 01 开场0.mp3 Potato Pals 2A-At the StoreAt the Store 02 歌曲.mp3 Potato Pals 2A-At the StoreAt the Store 03 开场1.mp3 Potato Pals 2A-At the StoreAt the Store 04 读句子 第1遍.mp3 Potato Pals 2A-At the StoreAt the Store 05 开场2.mp3 Potato Pals 2A-At the StoreAt the Store 06 读句子 第2遍.mp3 Potato Pals 2A-At the StoreAt the Store 07 开场3.mp3 Potato Pals 2A-At the StoreAt the Store 08 第1页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2A-At the StoreAt the Store 09 第3页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2A-At the StoreAt the Store 10 第5页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2A-At the StoreAt the Store 11 第7页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2A-At the StoreAt the Store 12 第9页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2A-At the StoreAt the Store 13 第11页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2A-At the StoreAt the Store 14 第13页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2A-At the StoreAt the Store 15 第15页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2A-At the StoreAt the Store 16 一起唱歌.mp3 Potato Pals 2B-On a Camping tripOn a Camping trip 01 开场1.mp3 Potato Pals 2B-On a Camping tripOn a Camping trip 02 读句子 第1遍.mp3 Potato Pals 2B-On a Camping tripOn a Camping trip 03 开场2.mp3 Potato Pals 2B-On a Camping tripOn a Camping trip 04 读句子 第2遍.mp3 Potato Pals 2B-On a Camping tripOn a Camping trip 05 开场3.mp3 Potato Pals 2B-On a Camping tripOn a Camping trip 06 第1页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2B-On a Camping tripOn a Camping trip 07 第3页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2B-On a Camping tripOn a Camping trip 08 第5页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2B-On a Camping tripOn a Camping trip 09 第7页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2B-On a Camping tripOn a Camping trip 10 第9页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2B-On a Camping tripOn a Camping trip 11 第11页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2B-On a Camping tripOn a Camping trip 12 第13页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2B-On a Camping tripOn a Camping trip 13 第15页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2B-On a Camping tripOn a Camping trip 14 一起唱歌.mp3 Potato Pals 2C-In TownIn Town 01 开场1.mp3 Potato Pals 2C-In TownIn Town 02 读句子 第1遍.mp3 Potato Pals 2C-In TownIn Town 03 开场2.mp3 Potato Pals 2C-In TownIn Town 04 读句子 第2遍.mp3 Potato Pals 2C-In TownIn Town 05 开场3.mp3 Potato Pals 2C-In TownIn Town 06 第1页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2C-In TownIn Town 07 第3页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2C-In TownIn Town 08 第5页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2C-In TownIn Town 09 第7页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2C-In TownIn Town 10 第9页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2C-In TownIn Town 11 第11页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2C-In TownIn Town 12 第13页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2C-In TownIn Town 13 第15页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2C-In TownIn Town 14 一起唱歌.mp3 Potato Pals 2D-At the BeachAt the Beach 01 开场1.mp3 Potato Pals 2D-At the BeachAt the Beach 02 读句子 第1遍.mp3 Potato Pals 2D-At the BeachAt the Beach 03 开场2.mp3 Potato Pals 2D-At the BeachAt the Beach 04 读句子 第2遍.mp3 Potato Pals 2D-At the BeachAt the Beach 05 开场3.mp3 Potato Pals 2D-At the BeachAt the Beach 06 第1页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2D-At the BeachAt the Beach 07 第3页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2D-At the BeachAt the Beach 08 第5页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2D-At the BeachAt the Beach 09 第7页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2D-At the BeachAt the Beach 10 第9页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2D-At the BeachAt the Beach 11 第11页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2D-At the BeachAt the Beach 12 第13页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2D-At the BeachAt the Beach 14 一起唱歌.mp3 Potato Pals 2E-At the ZooAt the Zoo 01 开场1.mp3 Potato Pals 2E-At the ZooAt the Zoo 02 读句子 第1遍.mp3 Potato Pals 2E-At the ZooAt the Zoo 03 开场2.mp3 Potato Pals 2E-At the ZooAt the Zoo 04 读句子 第2遍.mp3 Potato Pals 2E-At the ZooAt the Zoo 05 开场3.mp3 Potato Pals 2E-At the ZooAt the Zoo 06 第1页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2E-At the ZooAt the Zoo 07 第3页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2E-At the ZooAt the Zoo 08 第5页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2E-At the ZooAt the Zoo 09 第7页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2E-At the ZooAt the Zoo 10 第9页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2E-At the ZooAt the Zoo 11 第11页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2E-At the ZooAt the Zoo 12 第13页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2E-At the ZooAt the Zoo 13 第15页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2E-At the ZooAt the Zoo 14 一起唱歌.mp3 Potato Pals 2F-On the FarmOn the Farm 01 开场1.mp3 Potato Pals 2F-On the FarmOn the Farm 02 读句子 第1遍.mp3 Potato Pals 2F-On the FarmOn the Farm 03 开场2.mp3 Potato Pals 2F-On the FarmOn the Farm 04 读句子 第2遍.mp3 Potato Pals 2F-On the FarmOn the Farm 05 开场3.mp3 Potato Pals 2F-On the FarmOn the Farm 06 第1页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2F-On the FarmOn the Farm 07 第3页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2F-On the FarmOn the Farm 08 第5页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2F-On the FarmOn the Farm 09 第7页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2F-On the FarmOn the Farm 10 第9页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2F-On the FarmOn the Farm 11 第11页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2F-On the FarmOn the Farm 12 第13页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2F-On the FarmOn the Farm 13 第15页 找单词.mp3 Potato Pals 2F-On the FarmOn the Farm 14 一起唱歌.mp3 牛津Oxford Potato幼儿英语故事读本 MP3音频+PDF文档 英语绘本 资源大小:276M 下载地址:
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