Aesop BBC的伊索寓言 40 故事(MP3+PDF)百度云网盘下载 |
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附带pdf,方便家长给孩子解释。给大孩子用来学学拼读,练练写作,也是很好的。 目录: 01 The Hare and the Tortoise.mp3 01 the_hare_the_tortoise.pdf 02 The Frogs and the Ox .mp3 02 the_frogs_and_the_ox.pdf 03 The Fox and the Crow.mp3 03 the_fox_and_the_crow.pdf 04 The Monkey as King .mp3 04 the_monkey_as_king.pdf 05 The Bundle of Sticks .mp3 05 the_bundle_of_sticks.pdf 06 The Gnat and the Lion .mp3 06 the_gnat_and_the_lion.pdf 07 The North Wind and the Sun.mp3 07 the_north_wind_and_the_sun.pdf 08 The Fox and the Grapes .mp3 08 the_fox_and_the_grapes.pdf 09 The Dog, the Cockerel and the Fox.mp3 09 the_dog_the_cockerel_and_the_fox.pdf 10 The Miller, his son and the Donkey .mp3 10 the_miller_his_son_and_donkey.pdf 11 The Wolf and the Heron .mp3 11 the_wolf_and_the_heron.pdf 12 The Donkey in the Lion's skin .mp3 12 the_donkey_in_the_lions_skin.pdf 13 The Ant and the Grasshopper .mp3 13 the_ant_and_the_grasshopper.pdf 14 The Vain Jackdaw .mp3 14 the_vain_jackdaw.pdf 15 The Frogs Who Wanted a King .mp3 15 the_frogs_who_wanted_a_king.pdf 16 The Cat and the Mice .mp3 16 the_cat_and_the_mice.pdf 17 The Lion and the Mouse.mp3 17 the_lion_and_the_mouse.pdf 18 The Caged Bird and the Bat .mp3 18 the_caged_bird_and_the_bat.pdf 19 The Fox and the Goat .mp3 19 the_fox_and_the_goat.pdf 20 The Lion and the Elephant .mp3 20 the_lion_and_the_elephant.pdf 21 The Crow and the Pitcher .mp3 21 the_crow_and_the_pitcher.pdf 22 The Fox and the Stork .mp3 22 the_fox_and_the_stork.pdf 23 Two Travellers and a Bear.mp3 23 two_travellers_and_a_bear.pdf 24 The Goose that laid the Golden Eggs .mp3 24 the_goose_that_laid_the_golden_eggs.pdf 25 The Kid and the Wolf .mp3 25 the_kid_and_the_wolf.pdf 26 The Old Lion and the Fox .mp3 26 the_old_lion_and_the_fox.pdf 27 The Eagle and the Jackdaw.mp3 27 the_eagle_and_the_jackdaw.pdf 28 The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing .mp3 28 the_wolf_in_sheeps_clothing.pdf 29 The Goatherd and the Wild Goats .mp3 29 the_goatherd_and_the_wild_goats.pdf 30 The Dog in the Manger .mp3 30 the_dog_in_the_manger.pdf 31 Androcles and the Lion .mp3 31 androcles_and_the_lion.pdf 32 The Dog and his reflection .mp3 32 the_dog_and_his_reflection.pdf 33 The Heron and the Fish .mp3 33 the_heron_and_the_fish.pdf 34 The Eagle and the Tortoise.mp3 34 the_eagle_and_the_tortoise.pdf 35 The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse .mp3 35 the_town_mouse_and_the_country_mouse.pdf 36 Belling the Cat.mp3 36 belling_the_cat.pdf 37 The Too Fat Fox and the Tortoise.mp3 37 the_too_fat_fox.pdf 38 The Rat and the Elephant .mp3 38 the_rat_and_the_elephant.pdf 39 The Ant and the Dove .mp3 39 the_ant_and_the_dove.pdf 40 The Boy Who Cried Wolf .mp3 40 the_boy_who_cried_wolf.pdf aesops_fables_online.pdf Aesop BBC的伊索寓言 40 故事(MP3+PDF)百度云网盘下载 资源大小:272M 下载地址:
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