An I Can Read英文绘本0-3级 PDF+MP3 儿童英语绘本网盘下载 |
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An I Can Read英文绘本0-3级 PDF及很多MP3音频 含Frog and toad,Biscuit,Little Bear等 这个系列的书籍分成4的等级, 外加一个 My First 级别。 ![]() My First 级: 主要是让父母读给孩子们听1级: 孩子开始对印刷在书本上的字体感兴趣, 开始将单个的词读出声音的时候, 用这个级别的书籍。 一般都是几个字, 一两个短句子, 2级: 孩子可以自己读一些, 但还是需要大人的帮助时用这个级别书。 3级:孩子可以自己阅读 4级:简单的章节书。 目录: 一、My First 级书籍 Biscuit系列,含以下内容 Bathtime for Biscuit.pdf 2,804,725 Bathtime for Biscuit.wma 3,196,838 Biscuit and the Baby.mp3 525,862 Biscuit and the Baby.pdf 13,935,104 Biscuit and the Little Pup.pdf 6,583,859 Biscuit and the Lost Teddy Bear.pdf 13,841,832 Biscuit and the Lost Teddy Bear另一版... 13,841,832 Biscuit Finds a Friend.mp3 2,900,096 Biscuit Finds a Friend.pdf 4,804,947 Biscuit Finds a Friend.wma 3,041,468 Biscuit Goes to School.mp3 2,240,192 Biscuit Goes to School.pdf 23,878,085 Biscuit Goes to School.wma 2,354,226 Biscuit Meets the Class Pet.pdf 6,304,707 Biscuit Sorybook Collection 10本.pdf 19,658,494 (10本合集含Biscuit、Biscuit Wins a Price、Biscuit's New Tcick、Biscuit's Birthday、Biscuit's Picnic、Biscuit's Day at the Beach、Time to Paint,Biscuit!、Biscuit Meets the Neighbors、Biscuit Goes to the Park、Biscuit and the Bunny) Biscuit Takes a Walk.pdf 13,820,451 Biscuit Time for Bed doc.rar 559,586 Biscuit Time for Bed.mp3 2,892,783 Biscuit Time for Bed.pdf 5,489,862 Biscuit Time for Bed图片.rar 9,185,104 Biscuit Visits the Big City.pdf 18,676,784 Biscuit Wants to Play.mp3 458,080 Biscuit Wants to Play.pdf 3,478,806 Biscuit Wins a Prize.pdf 6,571,681 Biscuit.mp3 2,892,783 Biscuit's Big Friend.mp3 502,150 Biscuit's Big Friend.pdf 12,430,894 Biscuit's Day at the Farm.pdf 20,151,125 Biscuit's New Trick.wma 2,712,476 Biscuit's New Trick 另一版1.pdf 1,520,074 Biscuit's New Trick 另一版2.pdf 1,825,660 Biscuit's New Trick.mp3 2,614,204 Biscuit's New Trick.pdf 1,825,660 Biscuit's New Trick.swf 1,142,728 Pedro’s Burro.pdf 23,511,767 Scat Cat.pdf 29,129,807 以上是属于An I Can Read的Biscuit内容,更多Biscuit系列请见:I Can Read之Biscuit系列儿童英文绘本 60本PDF文档+部分MP3音频 litter Critter小魔怪系列 Going to the fire house.pdf 17.0 MB I Just Forgot.mp3 4.68 MB I Just Forgot.pdf 35.6 MB Just Go to Bed.pdf 29.8 MB Just Grandma and Me.pdf 3.22 MB Just Me and My Mom.mp3 11.3 MB Just Me and My Mom.pdf 33.9 MB Just Saving My Money.pdf 20.3 MB Merry_Christmas_Little_Critter.pdf 2.85 MB This_is_my_town.pdf 18.4 MB My first级其他书籍 Follow me, Mitten (I can read L0).pdf 11028 KB Going to the Fire House (I can read L0).pdf 17479 KB Mine's the Best.pdf 51 MB Pedro’s Burro.pdf 22.4 MB Scat,cat!(I can read L0).pdf 18651 KB Sid and Sam.pdf 1.28 MB This is my Town (I can read L0).pdf 18935 KB What's that,Mitten?(I can read L0).pdf 11349 KB And I Mean It, Stanley ! Audio Books -(children).mp3 3.02 MB 二、一级书籍 Little Bear系列5本PDF+MP3音频 PDF文档 1 Little Bear.pdf 28215 KB 2 Father bear comes home.pdf 30299 KB 3 Little bear's friend.pdf 11674 KB 4 Little Bear's Visit.pdf 37864 KB 5 A Kiss for Little Bear.pdf 31083 KB MP3音频 1 Little bear Birthday_soup.mp3 4947 KB Little_bear__wish.mp3 4582 KB Little_bear_goes_to_the_moon.. 4443 KB what_will_little_bear_wear?.. 3989 KB 2 Father bear comes home Father_bear_comes_home.mp3 5433 KB Hiccups.mp3 4726 KB LITTLE_BEAR_AND_OWL_2.mp3 3971 KB lLttle_bear__s_Mermaid.mp3 2566 KB 3 Little bear's friend Duck,Baby_sister.mp3 2279 KB Little_bear_and_Emily.mp3 4543 KB The_party_at_Owl__s_house.mp3 3330 KB yuor_friend_,little_bear.mp3 4516 KB 4 Little bear's visit Goblin_story.mp3 3189 KB Grandmother_and_grandfather_.. 3780 KB Mother_bear__s_Robin.mp3 4841 KB Not_tired.mp3 3556 KB 5 A kiss for little bear A kiss for little bear.mp3 3.99 MB Danny and the Dinosaur 系列 Dinasaur.mp3 21.6 MB Danny and the Dinosaur go to camp.mp3 5409 KB Danny and the Dinosaur go to camp.pdf 9158 KB Danny and the Dinosaur.mp3 8504 KB Danny and the Dinosaur.pdf 5470 KB Danny and the Dinosaur-study guide.pdf 433 KB Danny and the Dinosaur黑白.pdf 3803 KB Happy Birthday,Danny and the Dinosaur!.mp3 4613 KB Happy Birthday,Danny and the Dinosaur!.pdf 11632 KB Fancy Nancy 系列 Fancy Nancy.pdf 4.85 MB Fancy Nancy by jane oconnor.mp3 3.94 MB Fancy Nancy and the 100th Day of school.pdf 11625 KB Fancy Nancy and the Boy from Paris.pdf 11767 KB Fancy Nancy and the Posh Puppy.flv 7.01 MB fancy nancy and the posh puppy lesson-plan.pdf 94 KB fancy nancy at the museum.pdf 14041 KB fancy nancy at the museum.wma 8146 KB Fancy Nancy Bonjour Butterfly - Storytime.flv 28.2 MB fancy nancy bonjour butterfly Activity Kit08.pdf 1837 KB Fancy Nancy ONLINE EVENT KIT.pdf 1663 KB Fancy Nancy See Stars.pdf 5.62 MB Fancy Nancy The Show Must Go On.pdf 5.12 MB My Family History.pdf 15174 KB Poison Ivy Expert.pdf 17039 KB The Dazzling Book Report.pdf 15799 KB The Berenstain Bears 贝贝熊系列 The Berenstain Bears - FirstTimeBooks - 13 Books.rar 96.1MB(13本PDF文档) The Berenstain Bears' New Kitten.rar 2.82 MB The Berenstain Bears' Seashore Treasure.rar 3.48 MB The Berenstain Bears Out West.pdf 3.4 MB 一级其他书籍 And I Mean It, Stanley ! Audio Books-(children).mp3 3.02MB The Princess Twins and the Tea Party.pdf 10.5 MB Oliver.pdf 22.0 MB Morris goes to school.pdf 18.0 MB Morris the moose.pdf 10.3 MB Joe and Betsy the Dinosaur.rar 12.5 MB A Picture for Harold's Room.pdf 8.25 MB A Picture for Harold's Room.mp3 5.84 MB There Is a Carrot in My Car.pdf 6.54 MB 三、二级书籍 Frog and Toad 全集2CD转MP3音频+PDF文档,含以下内容 01-05 Frog and Toad Are Friends 01 Spring 02 The Story 03 A Lost Button 04 A Swim 05 The Letter 06-10 Frog and Toad all Year 06-Down the Hill 07-The Corner 08-Ice Cream 09-The Surprise 10-Christmas Eve 11-15 Frog and Toad Together 11 A list 12 The Garden 13 Cookies 14 Dragons And Giants 15 The Dream 16-20 Days with Frog and Toad 16 Tomorrow 17 The Kite 18 Shivers 19 The Hat 20 Alone Amelia Bedelia 系列 The Amelia Bedelia Treasury.pdf 32.6MB (含三个故事:Amelia Bedelia / Thank you, Amelia Bedelia / Amelia Bedelia and The Surprise Shower) Amelia Bedelia Audio Collection(5个MP3音频).rar 29.7MB(包含5个故事。Introducing Amelia Bedelia,Amelia Bedelia Thank You,Amelia Bedelia Come Back,Amelia Bedelia Play Ball,Amelia Bedelia And the Surprise Shower) Play Bal,Amelia Bedelia.pdf 7.11MB Calling Doctor Amelia Bedelia.pdf 6.21 MB Amelia Bedelia - Peggy Parish.pdf 49,868 Amelia Bedelia (Introducing).pdf 15,773,429 Amelia Bedelia 4 mayor.pdf 7,792,008 Amelia Bedelia Album.pdf 8,809,202 Amelia Bedelia and the Baby - Peggy Parish; pict.. 81,825 Amelia Bedelia and the Baby.pdf 11,697,451 Amelia Bedelia and the Surprise Shower - Barbara.. 112,590 Amelia Bedelia and the Surprise Shower (FlipBook.. 7,237,632 Amelia Bedelia Goes Camping (An Avon Cam - Peggy.. 110,872 Amelia Bedelia Goes Camping.mp3 18.1 MB 音频 Amelia Bedelia Good Driving.pdf 7,890,081 Amelia Bedelia Helps Out - Peggy Parish.pdf 95,496 Amelia Bedelia Helps Out.pdf 6,658,131 Amelia Bedelia masterpiece.pdf 11,038,151 Amelia Bedelia music.pdf 6,726,900 Amelia Bedelia science.pdf 11,808,366 Amelia Bedelia Talks Turkey.pdf 13,419,926 Amelia Bedelia under construction.pdf 10,365,524 Amelia Bedelia,Bookworm.pdf 13,302,168 Amelia Bedelia Bookworm.mp3 23.6 MB 音频 Amelia Bedelia's First Day of School - Herman Pa.. 66,987 Calling Doctor Amelia Bedelia.pdf 6,520,147 Calling Doctor Amelia Bedelia黑白.pdf 6,508,511 Come Back, Amelia Bedelia - Peggy Parish.pdf 235,178 Good Driving Amelia Bedelia.mp3 12.4 MB 音频 Good Work Amelia Bedelia - Peggy Parish.pdf 65,788 Good Work,Amelia Bedelia .pdf 14,461,062 Merry Christmas, Amelia Bedelia - Lynn Sweat.pdf 97,315 Merry Christmas,Amelia Bedelia .pdf 5,525,099 Play Bal,Amelia Bedelia.pdf 7,462,603 Play Ball,Amelia Bedelia - Peggy Parish.pdf 472,230 Play Ball,Amelia Bedelia 1.pdf 1,167,636 Teach Us Amelia Bedelia - Peggy Parish.pdf 90,955 Teach Us,Amelia Bedelia.pdf 8,574,101 Thank you, Amelia Bedelia - Peggy Parish.pdf 77,608 Thank You, Amelia Bedelia.pdf 2,032,962 The Amelia Bedelia Treasury.pdf 34,225,089 Arthur 系列 6本音频 Arthur's Camp-Out Arthur's Christmas Cookies Arthur's Funny Money Arthur's Honey Bear Arthur's Pen Pal Arthur's Prize Reader PDF文档 Arthur'sBacktoSchoolDay.pdf Arthur'sBirthdayParty.pdf Arthur'sCamp-Out.pdf Arthur'sChristmasCookies.pdf Arthur'sFunnyMoney.pdf Arthur'sGreatBigValentine.pdf Arthur'sHoneyBear.pdf Arthur'sLooseTooth.pdf Arthur'sPenPal.pdf Arthur'sPrizeReader.pdf 二级其他书籍 A Bargain for Frances MP3音频.rar 29.2 MB A Bargain for Frances.pdf 8 MB I Am The Turkey.pdf 9.83 MB Best_Friends_For_Frances.pdf 4.21 MB Big Max and the Mystery of the Missing Giraffe.pdf 13.7 MB Buzby.rar 13.9 MB Ghosts!.pdf 7185 KB Grasshopper on the Road PDF文档+MP3音频.rar 16.6 MB Last One In is a ROTTEN EGG.pdf 8.27 MB Mouse Soup PDF文档+MP3音频.rar 18.4 MB Mouse Tales PDF文档+MP3音频.rar 17.7 MB Owl at Home PDF文档+MP3音频.rar 31.9 MB Small Pig PDF文档+MP3音频.rar 13.9 MB The Know-Nothing Talk Turkey.pdf 13.2 MB The Octopus.pdf 33.2 MB Uncle Elephant PDF文档+MP3音频.rar 20.8 MB Zack‘s Alligator.pdf 6.78 MB Zack’s Alligator Goes to School.pdf 5.07 MB 四、三级书籍 Emma's strange pet.rar 14.1 MB其他系列Sammy the seal Sammy the seal.mp3 9917 KB Sammy the seal.pdf 21522 KB 其它文档和音频 [NO1][Harry the Dirty Dog][好脏的哈利].mp3 12829 KB Funnybones.pdf 14332 KB Time for bed.rar 513 KB Chester-An_I_Can_Read_Book.pdf 5.78 MB Silly Tilly And THE Easter Bunny-An_i_can_read_Book.pdf 2.17 MB Teachers Guide教学辅助 i can read TeachersGuide_LEVEL1.pdf I can read books are widely recognized as the premier line of beginning readers. Begun in 1957 with Else Holmelund Minarik and Maurice Sendak's LITTLE BEAR,the line includes more than 200 titles. Featuring award-winning authors and illustrators and a fabulous cast of children to the joy of reading. Amelia Bedelia 是An I can read book 系列中的一套书籍, 描绘的是一位有趣的女佣, 由于各种原因构造出各种笑话。 每一本书都风趣幽默, 让人读了哈哈大笑。 由于是An I can read book 系列中的一套书籍, 所以, 属于桥梁书, 既适合亲子共读, 也可以让有阅读水平的孩子自己来读。 每一页都有配图, 字体很大。 本系列包括 By Peggy Parish (1963-1988): * Amelia Bedelia (1963) * Thank You, Amelia Bedelia (1964) * Amelia Bedelia and the Surprise Shower (1966) * Come Back, Amelia Bedelia (1971) * Play Ball, Amelia Bedelia (1972) * Good Work, Amelia Bedelia (1976) * Teach Us, Amelia Bedelia (1977) * Amelia Bedelia Helps Out (1979) * Amelia Bedelia and the Baby (1981) * Amelia Bedelia Goes Camping (1985) * Merry Christmas, Amelia Bedelia (1986) * Amelia Bedelia's Family Album (1988) An I Can Read英文绘本0-3级 PDF及很多MP3音频 含Frog and toad,Biscuit,Little Bear等 资源大小:2.6G 下载地址:
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