alphablocks 字母积木英语 四季全 (2-6岁)百度云盘下载 |
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BBC Cbeebies的phonics自然拼读动画片《Alphablocks》字母积木截止现在为止,一共是四季。共91集,每一集5分钟左右。每个Alphablock都是故事里面的人物角色,这些Alphablocks通过不同的组合给孩子们展示了一个非常有趣的words magic。除了第一集是字母总体介绍,其他每集都介绍一个字母的常见发音及如何组合元音和辅音进行自然拼读。
BBC Cbeebies的Alphablocks字母积木声情并茂,是让孩子接触phonics自然拼读并产生拼读意识的一系列非常不错的动画片。跳跳蛙字母工厂Leap Frog_Letter Factory是美国非常流行的phonics自然拼读启蒙动画。不过,BBC Cbeebies的Alphablocks是系列动画,所以囊括的内容更丰富,而且每集都针对一个字母,适合系统来看。 ![]() Alphablocks字母积木第一季: 01 Alphablocks 02 Alphalympics 03 Band 04 Bee 05 Bus 06 Cha-Cha-Cha 07 Fox 08 Glow 09 Hide 10 Jaybird 11 Key 12 Magic 13 Map 14 Moon 15 Note 16 Party 17 Quiet 18 Race 19 Sail 20 Sing 21 Space 22 Surprise 23 Top 24 UFO 25 Why 26 Zzzz Alphablocks字母积木第二季: Taps 1. S is feeling a bit sad but T, A and P are here to help and soon everyone is tap dancing. In 2. I holds hands with N and they find themselves stuck inside a floating balloon. Man 3. M is very hungry so he and his friends make a gingerbread man, but he runs off. Din 4. D is ready to rock - he has his drumsticks but nothing to bang on. Dog 5. O is fascinated as G grows her green hair into a grassy garden. Cat 6. A makes friends with a cat but soon starts sneezing and bouncing all over. Pen 7. P, E and N take on a pesky pen, who can draw anything it wants to escape them. Up 8. U gets the balloon ride of his life, but he's still unhappy - or so he thinks! Red 9. R loves pretending to be a pirate, so she rustles up a ship and takes her crew on a ride. Hen 10. H makes a hen, who lays an egg, which rolls away. The Alphablocks give chase. Bop 11. Bass player B falls out with drummer D over musical differences. Fred 12. When a flying saucer crash lands, F makes a new friend. Hill 13. L discovers that bath time is more fun when you double up. Van 14. J is convinced she's a jaybird - but she just can't seem to fly. Zap 15. Z likes a good snooze, filling the air with floaty zeds. Dot 16. Somehow, P, O and P have popped I's dot, and she is not very happy. Lips 17. It's bedtime for A, E, I, O and U, but they refuse to go to sleep. Web 18. W wants to be a superhero, but saving Alphablocks is not as easy as it looks. Box 19. B, O and X want to put on a performance of Sleeping Beauty. Quick 20. Q sings I Need U, but she can't do it on her own. Unwilling U lends a hand. Kick 21. K can kick but C can't. They team up for CK vs The Sock. Wig 22. O meets a wig and thinks it's the cutest pet he's ever seen. Rainbow 23. The Alphablocks sing and dance their way to a multi-coloured land. On 24. The Alphablocks sing their letter sounds in an alphabetical musical extravaganza. ABC 25. The alphabet song should be as easy as A, B, C for the Alphablocks, right? The Cat Sat on the Mat 26. The Alphablocks are singing, Rat and Bat are dancing, but Cat won't get up off the mat. Alphablocks字母积木第三季: Wish 1. G is growing wishes but U doesn't believe in them until something big happens. Snowman 2. It's snowing! The Alphablocks whip up a wondrous winter wonderland. Win 3. Alphablock I really, really wants to win the extreme vowel race. Hat 4. When T's tip-top new top hat blows away, it's time for some hat-chasing. Little Red N 5. N likes to say no - until the dog, the cat and the pig won't help him make his bread. Dots 6. Z has left the others in charge while he has a nap, but before long disaster strikes. Frog on a Dog 7. The Alphablocks need help to cross the bog to get the cog. Best 8. T has such a tip-top time making words with his friends that he invites S to join him. Fit 9. H needs a helping hand to heave herself up the hill, so I turns instructor for a workout. Odd 10. O goes through the magnifying glass to where the grass is blue and the trees are square! Champ 11. CH and SH go head-to-head in the Alphablocks Games. Song 12. The Alphablocks sing along to a singalong song, in which birds sing and bells ring. Thing 13. TH, I and NG make something marvellous, mechanical and musical but what is it? 14. Train When the Alphablocks go on holiday, a trip on a train is the only way to travel. 15. Beep The Alphablocks meet a metal box that goes beep, and soon it's walking and talking! 16. Tightrope A simple skipping game turns into a circus as I,G and H find themselves on a tightrope. 17. Toad M can't resist munching everything in sight until a giant toad appears. 18. Book OO and friends discover a talking book, some missing words and a pile of letters. 19. Hey! It's pandemonium at the Alphablocks' animal sing-song. S has a special surprise in store. 20. Card A and R are trying to do some magic, but their card trick keeps going wrong. 21. The End OI, OR and UR are in a coin-rolling, wave-surfing mad dash to prove who is the fastest! 22. How Now Brown Cow The Alphablocks meet their match when Brown Cow and her friends take the stage! 23. Fair It's O's birthday, but R has forgotten to get him a present! 24. Ants A, N and T sit down for a nice picnic, but soon everyone is getting tickled. 25. Ink When I finds some invisible ink, she plays all kinds of tricks on the other Alphablocks. 26. Crash! T's tip-top trick is a tremendously tall tower of teacups. Alphablocks字母积木第四季: 01_Four 02_Clap 03_Prank 04_Plusman 05_Alphabet 06_Name 07_Sleep 08_Mine 09_Home 10_Blue 11_Outlaw 12_Birthday_Girl 13_Cowboy alphablocks 字母积木英语 四季全 (2-6岁)百度云下载:
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