《Brainy Baby珍藏版》12DVD高清下载 [光盘镜像]

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发表于 2012-10-17 17:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

    风靡全球的Brainy Baby幼教系列!受到全球众多权威幼教机构推荐!
《BRAINY BABY》系列12DVD是专为0~5岁的BB所设计。在这段期间内,孩子需要父母亲的关注,以及良好的互动关系。在快乐的环境中成长,自然而然地启发宝宝的潜能,就是为宝宝的未来奠定良好基础的第一步。我们的产品运用简单的数字、字汇,以及常见小动物等日常事物来启发宝宝,利用日常生活中的物件、音乐、艺术、语言、科学、自然和诗歌,以好玩有趣的手法,使他们有兴趣探索周遭环境,进而培养观察力、想象力,以及对物体、颜色、语言、音乐等方面的敏锐度,让宝宝的潜能得到全方位的引导与开发。并增加亲子互动的机会。
1.Right Brain
For Ages: 9 months - 2 years
Right Brain features classical music and gentle voices, and introduces concepts such as Creative Thinking, Art & Drawing, Rhymes, Spatial Reasoning, and Imagination, Intuition, and more!
2.Left Brain
For Ages: 9 months - 2 years
Left Brain features classical music and gentle voices, and introduces concepts such as Logic, Patterns, Letters & Numbers, Sequencing, Analyzing details, and more!
For Ages: 1 - 3 years
This video presents images that relate to object permanence, communication skills, cause-and-effect, language and many others. Babies and toddlers will delight in eye-catching visuals, silly faces, rhymes and music, and lots of Peek-a-boo games!
4.Laugh & Explore (Or Learn in some country Laugh & Learn)
For Ages: 1 - 3 years
Young viewers will enjoy silly faces, "things that go", matching games, music, and much more.
5.Shapes & Colors
For Ages: 1 - 4 years
Rainbows and Circles and Squares ?Oh, my! This entertaining video introduces 12 Shapes and 12 Colors, plus great Sing-along songs to help them remember the colors and shapes. Your child will want to watch it again and again!
For Ages: 1 - 4 years
Horns & Hooves, Wonderful Wings, Fins & Flippers and Crawly Critters are some of the entertaining and amazing animal categories your child will see in this fun-filled video.
For Ages: 1- 5 years
Your child will be introduced to the words for Colors, Numbers, Favorite objects, Action words and Familiar Phrases. Fun music and a Nursery Rhyme song in English make this a viewing experience both you and your child will enjoy!
For Ages: 1 - 5 years
Introduces the words for Colors, Numbers, Favorite objects, Action words and Familiar Phrases, all introduced by a native-language Spanish Narrator. Fun music and a Nursery Rhyme song in Spanish, plus a vocabulary Review section make this a viewing experience both you and your child will enjoy!
For Ages: 2 - 5 years
Finger painting, sculpture and classic art images combined with fun music and lots of kids make this a video that you and your child will enjoy.
For Ages: 2 - 5 years
Rhythm, tempo, harmony and pitch are just some of the musical basics that your child will be exposed to in this video. Toe-tapping sing-alongs and colorful animations will get children moving to the music.
For Ages: 2 - 5 years
Introduction to upper and lower-case letters and multiple letter-sounds. Real children and familiar objects help expose your child to the 26 letters of the Alphabet.
For Ages: 2 - 5 years
Introduces the numbers 1 through 20! Cute kids, happy songs, familiar objects, and colorful animations give this eye-catching program two thumbs-up.

《Brainy Baby珍藏版》12DVD高清下载:

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