瑞思美国原版英语Houghton Mifflin Leveled Reader GK-G6 PDF点读版下载

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瑞思美国原版英语Houghton Mifflin Leveled Reader GK-6 含点读版(PDF内嵌音频) 分级阅读

Houghton Mifflin ELL Readers(同步点读版).rar
Houghton Mifflin Vocabulary Readers GK-6(同步点读).rar
Houghton Mifflin Leveled Nonfiction Readers GK-G6.rar
Houghton Mifflin Magic Box 单词卡.rar
Houghton Mifflin Math GK-G6.rar
Houghton Mifflin On My Way.rar
Houghton Mifflin Reading阅读系列.rar
Houghton Mifflin Social Studies.rar
Houghton Mifflin Vocabulary Readers GK-G6 PDF文档.rar
Houghton Mifflin Vocabulary Readers Grade 1(MP3音频).rar
Houghton Mifflin Vocabulary Readers Grade 2(MP3音频).rar
Houghton Mifflin Vocabulary Readers Grade 3(MP3音频).rar
Houghton Mifflin Vocabulary Readers Grade 4(MP3音频).rar
Houghton Mifflin Vocabulary Readers Grade 5(MP3音频).rar
Houghton Mifflin Vocabulary Readers Grade 6(MP3音频).rar
Houghton Mifflin Vocabulary Readers Grade Kindergarten(MP3音频).rar
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Journeys G1-G2.rar
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Journeys Write-In Reader G1-G6.rar
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Journeys Writing for New Jersey.rar

Houghton Mifflin Leveled Nonfiction Readers Grade K-6 共7级 ,279本PDF
Houghton Mifflin Leveled ELL ReadersGrade K、1、3共3级,70本PDF,是点读版,即PDF内嵌原版音频
Houghton Mifflin Leveled Vocabulary Readers Grade K-6 共7级,182本pdf,另有独立MP3音频

Published by: Fruchtzwerg

Houghton Mifflin Leveled Nonfiction Readers provide the right leveled reader for every student.
Whether they are used to complement the core program or as the main materials in daily instruction,
these collections help meet all learning needs in the classroom by building fluency and
independence for every student, extending key themes and concepts across curriculum areas,
providing practice and the application of skills and strategies, supporting small-group
instruction, and meeting state standards
一、Houghton Mifflin Leveled ELL Readers Grade K、1、3共3级,70本PDF 1、Leveled ELL Readers (Kindergarten)

Published by: Fruchtzwerg ( Karma: 2533.52 ) on 2 June 2010 | Views: 1200

These leveled fiction and nonfiction ELL Readers provide sheltered support (comprehensible input, labelled pictures) for the vocabulary development of ELL kindergarten students.
- A Year of Fun
- Choosing a Pet
- Curious George and the Animals
- Curious George Likes to Ride
- Dressing Up
- Four Frogs
- Fun at Camp
- Going for a Hay Ride
- Going to School
- In My Yard
- Let's Sell Things
- Look at the Bears
- Look for Bugs
- Lots of Flowers
- Making a Tree House
- Mouse and Bear Are Friends
- My Brother
- My Family
- My Pet Cat
- Our School
- Pets at School
- Rain Today
- Swimming
- Tell All About It
- The Aquarium
- The Elephant Costume
- The Garden
- Things I Like to Do
- Visiting the Zoo
- We Like Apples
Each pdf has 10 pages and is a richly illustrated, self-contained little book.
NB: These pdf files come with embedded audio, ie, you only have to click the loudspeaker icon to have the text read to you. (It works for me using Adobe Reader 9.)

2、Leveled ELL Readers (Grade 1)

Published by: Fruchtzwerg ( Karma: 2533.51 ) on 15 June 2010 | Views: 1099

These leveled fiction and nonfiction ELL Readers provide sheltered support (comprehensible input, labelled pictures) for the vocabulary development of ELL students in first grade.
- A Cat Named Ben
- All About Fireflies (NO AUDIO)
- Bears Long, Brown Tail (NO AUDIO)
- Busy Animals at Night
- Curious George Visits School
- Go Turtle! Go Hare!
- How We Get Food (NO AUDIO)
- Our Day at Nana's House
- Polly's Pet Polar Bear (NO AUDIO)
- Skunk Cooks Soup (NO AUDIO)
- The Man Who Made Puppets
- The Map and the Treasure
- The Places in Our Town
- The Seasons of the Year (NO AUDIO)
- When Grandpa Was a Boy
Each pdf has 14 pages and is a richly illustrated, self-contained little book.
NB1: Most of these PDF files come with embedded audio, ie, you only have to click the loudspeaker icon to have the text read to you. (It works for me using Adobe Reader 9.)
NB2: Six PDFs have NO AUDIO, even though a loudspeaker symbol is displayed!
File size: 17.7 MB
3、Leveled ELL Readers (Grade 3)

Published by: Fruchtzwerg ( Karma: 2533.51 ) on 17 July 2010 | Views: 450

These leveled fiction and nonfiction ELL Readers provide sheltered support (comprehensible input, labelled pictures) for the vocabulary development of ELL students in third grade.
- A Surprise for the Bears
- All About Pines
- Artists Are Everywhere
- Carlo Watches the Boys
- Champ
- David Beckham
- Dogs That Help People
- Earl and His Egg
- Fish That Migrate
- Hank Aaron
- Lauren Helps Sammy
- Learning from Fossils
- Leona Goes Home
- Liddy's Sayings
- Manny's Story
- Staying Cool in the Heat
- The Art Show
- The Girl Who Helped the Wolf
- The Green Team
- The Kon-Tiki
- The Life of George Washington Carver
- The Storyteller
- Tuk the Hunter
- Ursus Travels
- We Love You, Ms. Pinkerville!
Each pdf has 18 pages and is a richly illustrated, self-contained little book.
NB1: Eight of these PDF files come with embedded audio, ie, you only have to click the loudspeaker icon to have the text read to you! (It works for me using Adobe Reader 9.)
NB2: The remaining PDFs have NO AUDIO, even though a loudspeaker symbol is displayed. The files are marked accordingly.

二、Houghton Mifflin Leveled Nonfiction Readers Grade K-6 共7级 ,279本PDF1、Leveled Nonfiction Readers (Kindergarten)

- A Bear Needs a Place to Climb
- A Cat at School
- A Tree for all Seasons
- A Trip Across the Country
- A Walk in My Woods
- At Work
- Flags Everywhere!
- Follow the Leader!
- Fun and Games - Then and Now
- George Washington
- Heat and Eat!
- I Am Water
- I Can Hop. Can You?
- I Can See
- I Can Take Care of the Earth
- Maria Tallchief
- Mouse's Meadow
- My Five Senses
- Our Home Is the Pond
- Rocks, Rocks, Rocks!
- Save Our Tree
- School Days - Long Ago and Today
- Shadows
- Sounds All Around
- Sun Up, Sun Down
- The Sky at Night
- What Is It Made Of?
- What Season Is It?
- What Will I Be?
- When They Were Little Like Me

2、Leveled Nonfiction Readers (Grade 1)

- 7 Uses of Air
- A Job for You
- A Trip to the Zoo
- A Visit to the Statue of Liberty
- Antonia Novello - Doctor for the Nation
- Balloons
- Cars!
- Clara Barton
- Clouds
- Don't Let the Cat Out!
- Helping Out
- It's Too Loud!
- Living Things
- Louis Braille
- Making Dessert
- Making It Go
- Measuring Weather
- Meet a Community Helper
- People Parts
- Sink or Float
- Sylvia Earle - First Lady of the Sea
- The Venus Flytrap
- Time to Sleep
- We Can Recycle
- What Makes a Garden Grow
- Desert Life
- Find the Prize!
- From the Mountain to the Ocean
- Harriet Tubman - A Woman of Courage
- Marjory Stoneman Douglas
- Meet Johnny Appleseed
- My First Snow
- Night Lights
- Springtime on the Farm

3、Leveled Nonfiction Readers (Grade 2)

- 7 Ways to Get Energy
- A Trip on the Erie Canal
- Are They Look-Alikes?
- Down by the Stream
- Ellis Island
- Finding a Woolly Mammoth
- Going to the Races
- How Does This Sound?
- I Saw the Boston Tea Party
- It Must Be Clay
- Jaime Escalante - A Great Teacher
- Magnet Games
- Marvelous Mammals
- Moving Day
- Mystery Coin
- Star Gazing in Our Solar System
- The Code That No One Broke
- The Life of a Bean
- The World in Your Kitchen
- Welcome to the White House
- What's a Kazoo?
- What's This Matter?
- When I Visit My Cousin
- Windy Ways
- Ynes Mexia - Plant Collector
- A Worm's Home
- Cherry Blossoms Everywhere
- Hide and Seek
- Jack Horner - Dinosaur Hunter
- John H. Johnson - Business Leader
- Land and Water
- Louis Agassiz Fuertes - Painter of Birds
- Magnet Time
- Maria Mitchell
- One Birthday, Two Traditions
- Push or Pull
- River Otter
- Sojourner Truth - Speaker for Equal Rights
- Susan B. Anthony - Fighter for Women's Rights
- What Does a Governor Do?
- Winslow Homer - American Painter

4、Leveled Nonfiction Readers (Grade 3)

- 15 Facts About the Solar System
- A Hungry Red Hawk
- A Visit to a Planetarium
- Amazing Adaptations
- Amber
- Animals of the Past
- Anne Bradstreet
- Cesar Chavez
- Follow Me, Be a Bee
- Happy New Year!
- How We Vote
- I'm an Entrepreneur
- In the Bank
- Invisible Ink
- Miles on the Mississippi
- On the Beams
- Prisms and Rainbows
- Pueblo
- Rachel Carson - Scientist and Writer
- Seeing With Heat
- Shadow Shows
- The Animal Trackers
- The Man in the Moon and Other Moon Tales
- Weather Alert!
- Wildlife
- Fishing Family
- Forced Out
- Hindu Holidays
- Kitchen Science
- Madame C. J. Walker
- Mt. St. Helens
- Now You See It, Now You Don't
- Robbie Hood - Hurricane Hunter
- San Francisco - Then and Now
- Still Standing
- The Ladybug and the Legislature
- The Mystery of the Blue Box
- The Pony Express
- Thomas Edison and the Light Bulb
- Thomas Jefferson
- Tsunami!
- When Children Worked

5、Leveled Nonfiction Readers (Grade 4)

- 15 Facts About Atoms
- A Better Life
- Bringing Up Baby Chimp
- Cave Creatures
- Commuter
- Eliza Pinckney
- Erosion
- Famous Rocks
- Flash Flood!
- Frank Lloyd Wright
- Galileo Galilei, Astronomer
- How Did the Lights Go Out?
- Oil!
- Pedro's Pigeon Comes Home
- Riding a MagLev Train
- Rube Goldberg's Machines
- Sandra Day O'Connor
- Space Animals
- The Bill of Rights
- The End of the Ice Age
- The Mound Builders
- The Story of Charles Goodyear
- Training for the Olympics
- What Grows There?
- Windmills
- Admiral Perry
- Amazing Skyscrapers
- Charles Drew and the Blood Banks
- Cornfield Energy
- How Peanuts Enrich the Soil
- I Can Measure an Elephant
- Lights On!
- Mary Anning, Fossil Hunter
- New England's Whales
- Oceanography
- Roll On, Columbia
- Southern Sounds
- The Mojave Desert
- The St. Lawrence Seaway
- The Story of Iggy the Igneous Rock
- Wangari Maathai - Planting Trees for the Future
- William Penn

6、Leveled Nonfiction Readers (Grade 5)

- 15 Facts about Stars
- A Drop of Water
- Daughters of Liberty
- El Nino
- Life on the Serengeti
- Marie Curie
- Mighty Ironclads and Other Amazements
- On Board the Santa Maria
- Pocahontas
- Prohibition
- San Francisco Shakes
- School Days in 1700
- Tracing the Anasazi
- Turn Up the Radio
- Whale! Nantucket Whaling Days
- What Does an Electrician Do?
- What Is the Media?
- "What Shall Workers Do?"
- Wind, Water, and Ice
- Women Writers - Voices from the 1800s
- A Walk with John Muir
- Angel Island and the Land of Promise
- Father Eusebio Francisco Kino
- Fur Traders of New France
- George Washington Carver
- Going West - Trials and Trade-Offs
- John Paul Jones and the Battle at Sea
- Peter Salem - Hero of the Revolution
- The Amazing Amoeba
- The Navajo Code Talkers
- The Wright Brothers, First Flyers
- Wake Up, Young Soldier
- Where Does Drinking Water Come From?
- Who Was Poor Richard? - Colonials to Remember
- William Harvey - A New Kind of Scientist
- Wind and Water - Two Great Powers
- Women in the Vietnam War
- A Tall Tale to Tell
- Barbara McClintock
- Biomes
- Citizens of the World
- Clean and Clear
- Common Compounds on Earth
- Elements in Your Body
- First Family - The Roosevelts
- Flatboat Mondays
- Global Energy
- I Care - American Reformers
- It's in the Air
- Maple Sugaring
- Marvelous Metals
- Mish Michaels, Weather Forecaster
- Niagara Falls - The Power of Water
- Space Wardrobe
- Through the Cell Wall
- Tornado Chasers

7、Leveled Nonfiction Readers (Grade 6)

- Biodiversity Hotspots
- Bison and Native Americans
- California's Pygmy Forest
- Crime Scene Clues
- Crying Wolf
- Einstein, Father of Physics
- Elijah McCoy
- Is Earth Getting Warmer or Colder?
- Kalpana Chawla, Astronaut
- Prairie Dogs and Black-Footed Ferrets
- Stuck in the Tar Pits
- The Hawaiian Islands
- The Physics of Flying
- The Solar-Powered Home
- The Story of Sue: T. Rex
- To the Center of Earth
- Total Eclipse of the Sun
- Volcano: Pompeii
- Why Are You Here?
- Women Pioneers in Medicine
- A Mixed-Up Mystery
- Acid Rain
- Along the Nile
- Climbing High
- Conserving Fossil Fuels
- High Tide
- How Does a Hybrid Car Work?
- In the Eye of a Hurricane
- Keiiti Aki and the Southern California Earthquake Center
- Recycling Plastic
- Starting a Rock Collection
- Waves and Rays
- What are Cars Made Of?
- Why Does It Work?

三、Houghton Mifflin Leveled Vocabulary Readers Grade K-6 共7级,182本pdf,另有GK、G2-G6的独立MP3音频 ,缺G1的音频
1、Leveled Vocabulary Readers (Kindergarten)

Published by: Fruchtzwerg ( Karma: 2537.42 ) on 18 July 2009 | Views: 3095
Houghton Mifflin Vocabulary Readers support the robust approach to vocabulary instruction in Houghton Mifflin Reading. The Vocabulary Readers provide accessible nonfiction text, engaging visual support, multiple encounters with key vocabulary, and opportunities to deepen and expand word knowledge.

- Big and Little (WORDLESS BOOK)
- Plain and Fancy (WORDLESS BOOK)
- Colors
- Fish Colors
- Birds
- My Family
- My Clothes
- Time for Soup!
- Where is the Dog?
- What Can You Do?
- How to Make a Salad
- Vegetable Soup
- How Many Animals?
- Noisy and Quiet
- Weather Days
- Snow
- I Can Move!
- Trolley Ride
- Let's Go!
- We Ride!
- On the Farm
- Farm Animals
- Baby Animals
- It's Spring
- Spring Rain
- I See Spring!
- Tigers, Elephants, and Giraffes
- What's for Lunch?
- Pets

2、Leveled Vocabulary Readers (Grade 1)

- Cats
- At School
- Sit, Pig!
- Happy Birthday, Brother!
- Outside the Window
- At the Pool
- Seasons
- At the Ice Cream Shop
- Sea Animals
- Grandpa's Visit
- A New School
- Dogs Learn Every Day
- Where Is the Crab?
- Where We Live
- Perfect Kite Weather
- What Can You See?
- In the Barn
- Animals in the Rain Forest
- Friends Share
- A Visit to the City
- My Dog
- Types of Trees
- The Life of a Butterfly
- Mom's Stories
- In the Country
- Plan a Party
- Chickens on the Farm
- Polar Bears
- Fireflies
- At the Zoo

3、Leveled Vocabulary Readers (Grade 2)

- Shopping Day
- Pigs
- The Chickens Are Here!
- What is a Poem?
- Let's Go Camping
- Exploring a Park
- At the Pond
- Fables
- Chinese New Year
- We Are Firefighters
- Mardi Gras
- Take the Subway
- Training a Police Dog
- The Leafcutter Ant
- A Big Tennis Match
- A Biography of Faith Ringgold
- Twins
- Welcome to the Bakery
- The Joke Book
- A Thunderstorm is Coming!
- Cynthia Rylant, Author
- Making Pictures
- Let's All Dance
- Making a Mural

4、Leveled Vocabulary Readers (Grade 3)

Published by: Fruchtzwerg ( Karma: 2537.42 ) on 21 July 2009 | Views: 2830

- Let's Go Rock Climbing!
- The Great Wall of China
- No More Lost and Found
- Langston Hughes
- Quilting in America
- The Music of Tito Puente
- Special Stories
- A Visit to a Pueblo
- Meet Some Tricksters!
- Pet Pictures
- Statues Across America
- A Farm for Wild Animals
- Mazes Are Amazing!
- Nests
- Seals of the World
- Animal Neighbors
- Sally Ride in Space
- Coming to America
- Welcome to Hong Kong!
- An Antarctic Adventure
- Once Upon a Story
- Two Languages
- Clothes Around the World
- A Rainy Day Solution

5、Leveled Vocabulary Readers (Grade 4)

Published by: Fruchtzwerg ( Karma: 2537.42 ) on 1 August 2009 | Views: 2261

- Eat and Run!
- Franklin Chang-Diaz: In Space
- Where is Blackbeard's Ship?
- Train to the West
- Building a Case
- Pat Mora, the Storyteller
- The Kid's Guide to Family Reunions
- Going West
- Becoming a Citizen
- Let's Go to the Theater!
- Changing Colors
- Tchin the Storyteller
- Wild Weather, Tall Tales
- What Would You Do?
- Lumberjacks
- A World of Kites
- The Joy of Music Making
- A Poet from the Plains
- The March on Washington
- Alvin Ailey, an American Dancer
- The Red Sox and the World Series
- Pourquoi Tales
- Winter in Alaska
- Jumping into the Flames
- At Home on the Prairie

6、Leveled Vocabulary Readers (Grade 5)

Published by: Fruchtzwerg ( Karma: 2537.42 ) on 7 August 2009 | Views: 2954

- The San Francisco Earthquake
- Day of the Tornadoes
- Volcanoes Around the World
- Tall Tales
- Skating to Fame
- Fanfare for Food
- Everest Challenge
- Preparing for Lift-Off
- David McCord - Poet
- Meet Samuel Adams
- Escape to Canada
- Nero Hawley's Fight for Freedom
- Help Is on the Way
- A Team of Two
- Two Traditions of Dance
- Making a Magazine
- Putting on a Play
- Crazy Horse
- Prairie School
- Saving America's Wild Horses
- Railroad Revolution
- Ben Franklin Remembers
- Animals of Alaska
- Animals of the Amazon
- Keeping Warm in Winter

7、Leveled Vocabulary Readers (Grade 6)

Published by: Fruchtzwerg ( Karma: 2537.30 ) on 10 August 2009 | Views: 2807

- Lost in the Wilderness!
- Fly Away, Children
- On Top of the World
- Voyage of the Fram
- Paul Lawrence Dunbar, Poet
- A Brave Pilot
- Storytelling Around the World
- Studying the Past
- Living in Hard Times
- Going Back to Harlem
- Team Players
- Helping Wild Animals
- The City on the Lake
- China's Amazing Buildings
- Camels: Ships of the Desert
- Monsters of Myth
- Olympic Softball Stars
- Starting a Business
- A New Kind of Art
- A Message to the World
- Journey to Mars
- Training for Space
- Under the Ocean
- Mysteries of the Deep

Magic Box 1_Cards.pdf
Magic Box 2_Cards.pdf
Magic Box 3_Cards.pdf
Magic Box 4_Cards.pdf


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发表于 2013-2-25 22:55 | 显示全部楼层
知道了 不错~~~  
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写得好啊 估计有马甲  
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